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CIA behind Venezuelan coup d' etat

voxfux | 13.04.2002 02:05 | Venezuela

If you heard Chavez's post 911 speech at the UN, his comments saying the US basically got what it gives - and if you have an untainted knowledge of history you would have known that Chavez had just months to live politically or otherwise.

If you heard Chavez's post 911 speech at the UN, his comments saying the US basically got what it gives - and if you have an untainted knowledge of history you would have known that Chavez had just months to live politically or otherwise.

His ouster is classic CIA-101. If you don’t know this, you need to educate yourself in American foreign policy.

Same old pattern - emboldened internal business leader foments mock unrest, the media in collusion with the CIA backed military plotters and industrial oligarchs of that country report widely on unrest and almost zero on the true will of the people, and most importantly direct financing by the CIA of ANY thugs with ambition and the good fortunes to live in a country whose leadership the CIA has targeted for removal, etc., etc.

What’s that you say? - an oil company was at the center of it all? - who would have guessed that!

Know your history.
Know your enemy.

On CNN the caption under Chavez’s image reads, “Opinion polls earlier this year showed Chavez’s support waning.”

CNN forgot to mention that that EVERY single independent poll shows that the overwhelming majority of the people in Venezuela support Chavez by a wide margin over the new US puppet. As for the only person who has actually contacted him at his retirement villa (military prison in Caracas), his daughter, says he’s screaming that he’s imprisoned and that he NEVER resigned. But those kind of detail are not in line with CNN -Time Warner’s global agenda and so the American people will not be aware these facts.

So the fact is: An obvious CIA backed Military Coup d’ etat gets written in the history book (by the leaders of the, “free world,”) as a resignation.

The new, “Interim,” president of Venezuela?
Why it’s none other than Venezuela’s largest business organization president, The Venezuelan Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry President.
That’s a surprise!

That will be a great relief to the great majority of Venezuelans who live in squalor. In a country where the split between the rich and poor (there is no middle class in Venezuela) is about two percent fabulously wealthy and ninety eight percent impoverished. The great majority of impoverished peasants were really begging for the military with CIA backing to oust the only man that they had overwhelmingly elected TWICE in recent history, (once in 1998 and again in 2000) and replace him with the leading industrial elitist oligarch who will continue to plunder their country in the name of free trade and in the greatest traditions of American subservience.

The CIA should be more appropriately called Coup’s-R-US. Their atrocities have now reached such an advanced stage that they can do it in broad daylight, in front of every thinking person in the world and simply not care because there is no one to stop them. They simply write the news release like a script and the media will relay the script to the people verbatim and the people will believe it, even if they see with their own eyes, evidence to the contrary. This is the success that capitalism has had in conquering the human spirit. It has beaten the human spirit so hard into the base mud of material survival and material fetishism that the slaves aren’t aware that they slaves, they claim to love their master.

Well, that about wraps up Chavez in the limited imagination and attention spans of the great American people who barely know if Caracas is in the Middle East or Saudi Arabia... or somethin’... right.

A CALL FOR DIRECT ACTION: CNN needs to be dismantled any way possible and a stringent new law made outlawing the selling of headline space to the highest bidder for cold hard cash - that should be a no-no in this so-called democracy. But that comes after we dismantle and ABOLISH ALL FORMS OF SECRET GOVERNMENT - BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!

But don’t hold your breath - The United States is on a rampage with no end in sight, the news media is in complete complicity, industry is buttressing this rampage, the Sheep-like American populace is deep in a somnambulistic slumber, nothing is as it seems, and every minute the industrialists feed their insatiable appetite from the trough of an ever expanding collective human suffering.

Know your enemy
Stand up
Fight back

The debate must no longer focus on this or that nation that the US is obliterating that moment. The debate needs to zero in on the abolition of ALL forms of clandestine government - ZERO TOLERANCE.

The CIA must be stopped!
The CIA, in service to American industries, is the principle active force of evil in the world today, and the root cause of all suffering on the planet today, no doubt about that. Leveraging the loot they plunder from the US taxpayers for their murderous atrocities they are able to provide repression services to any US industrialist pushing arms or petrochemicals hoping to get a bigger piece of the zero sum pie - there is little the lowly field agent will NOT do at the behest of his industrial masters. (Remember the CIA is just a group of puppet handlers, in service to Industrialists like papa Bush who may indeed be the darkest Puppet-master the world has ever seen.)

Know your enemy
Know your history
Stand up and fight your oppressor.




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13.04.2002 04:15

Where's the Venezuelan Embassy? No-one should let this lie.



13.04.2002 09:30

You say it 'was a classic CIA coup', but what evidence do you have? You can't simply claim that because a regime is overthrown it must be at the behest of the US. Where are these polls which show overwhelming support for Chávez? Why did Chávez feel the need to rule by decree, even though he his coalition had a majority in parliament? Why would did he refuse to accept the result of the CTV leadership elections when they didn't go his way? Why did the Movimiento al Socialismo begin to break away from the coalition? Why was he reinstating the MBR-200 military junta? What of the militias he set up who killed 13 unarmed anti-government demonstrators this week? Why was he obsessed with giving financial patronage to his own oligarchy by dishing out PdVSA directorships? Why was only marginal land under consideration in his land reform programme? If he was such a revolutionary, why did he not move against the interests of capitalism instead of ingratiate himself?
In my mind, he was a paranoid Stalin wannabe who did little to help the poor under his four years of rule. He might have had good intentions in his 1992 failed coup and even when he was first elected in 1998, but in the end he was only revolutionary in rhetoric.

Having said this, the military coup which took place this week was an atrocious usurption of a democratically-elected government and the democratic constitution. Whatever problems there were with Chávez, he did not cancel elections and he has never been guilty of electoral fraud. Moreover, I believe he was a better alternative to the previous corrupt shower, although he was not a solution to Venezuela's problems. He is the kind of caudillo who sometimes surfaces in Latin American politics, but caudillismo never truly works and populism tends to lead to disaster. An entire political system based on the power of one just personality has feet of clay and it does not take a lot to topple it. But what we have now is a new dictator who does not have an electoral mandate backed by the military and who is re-instating the power of a distasteful oligarchy.

Venezuelans should reject both Chávez's caudillismo and the old oligarchy and fight the forces of capitalism. That means organising themselves from the grass-roots, not relying on a fallible leadership whether it comes in the form of grand-standing army officers or the old AD/Copei duopoly. It requires revolution, not votes.

Dan Brett
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