NESARA Imminent; Amazing World Court Activities
By [Dove] Posted by Gary Larrabee | 13.04.2002 00:16
NESARA is set to burst forth in GLORIOUS beauty upon our televisions, radios, and newspapers. The fail-safe activities are in process to bring forth NESARA's broadcast and implementation. Someone asked me about debt forgiveness by department stores and other merchants who have their own credit cards – yes, these debts are also backed by money from the U.S. banking system and therefore will be forgiven. This will be covered in the NESARA announcement.
Fri, 12 Apr 2002 18:34:54 -0000
Subject: [doveofo] NESARA Imminent; Amazing World Court Activities
Hello Dear Friends,
What happened in World Court last evening warms my heart. Some of the people to whom I wrote in my message "To You of the Dark Agenda from Dove" have taken a new path. Last night in a special late session of World Court, these people used their considerable knowledge and influence to prove that the Bank of England has all the resources, assets, and preparation necessary to announce and implement their new banking and currency system backing the British Pound with precious metals.
My thanks to those I'm told testified and presented evidence on our behalf showing that the Bank of England is ready. Proving the Bank of England is ready was important because there are three major banking systems that are the foundations of the new banking and currency systems worldwide. These are the U.S. Treasury Bank system, the Bank of England, and the European Central Bank. The three major
currencies in the world which must be ready to be announced and backed by precious metals for this worldwide banking and currency shift to occur are the new U.S. Treasury currency, the British Pound, and the Euro Dollar.
All of these must be ready at the same time, NOW, so that NESARA can be announced. The World Court session last night proved the British banking system does have the necessary precious metals and other preparations completed so that NESARA can now be announced. I'm told that we will see the NESARA announcement first and then a day or two later we will see the British banking system and the European Central Bank announce their new banking and currency systems improvements backed by precious metals.
I'm told that several people, who have been associated with the Dark Agenda, came forward in World Court last evening to present evidence and testify that the Bank of England is ready and therefore helped open the door to NESARA's announcement. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Senior, and Prince Charles were among those who testified and presented evidence which HELPED move NESARA forward. On behalf of all of us, my sincere thanks to each of you who testified last night to help move NESARA forward.
Folks, I have long been aware that we are moving into an Age of Miracles where seemingly miraculous events and shifts occur. There are some who have been involved with the Dark Agenda who are choosing a new path and taking some beginning steps to make their contributions here in new ways. I'm told that Bush Jr. is ready to step down and that he will tell the truth about 9/11 when the time comes.
My personal understanding that we ALL share COMMONALITY in experiencing being CONTROLLED by the Ancient Controllers of this world who have controlled Earth Humans for thousands of years. The TRUTH about Earth's History will allow all of us to understand and have compassion for those Earth Humans who carried out activities, including 9/11, as part of the Dark Agenda activities required by the Ancient Controllers. From understanding the truth, we will all be
wiser and more sovereign in our lives and liberty.
I continue to encourage those who have been involved with the Dark Agenda activities to come forth and contribute to bringing TRUTH to the world's people. This is a new path for all of us and we are ALL LEARNING by doing this together. We CAN come together and share our pieces of the truth and, although some people will be shocked, we CAN find ways to bring forth truth harmoniously.
The TRUTH will result in the conflicts between people in the Middle East being dissolved; we will all see that we truly are ONE PEOPLE and we will choose to have peace and harmony. I have been told about the CONCRETE physical actions set to take place to bring about peace in the Middle East; in the meantime, weapons of mass destruction are disabled so that the maximum numbers of people can experience the beautiful and loving transformations now in process.
NESARA is set to burst forth in GLORIOUS beauty upon our televisions, radios, and newspapers. The fail-safe activities are in process to bring forth NESARA's broadcast and implementation. Someone asked me about debt forgiveness by department stores and other merchants who have their own credit cards – yes, these debts are also backed by money from the U.S. banking system and therefore will be forgiven. This will be covered in the NESARA announcement.
Below is an article in the Washington Post today which is a prelude to the truth about 9/11 coming out. I'm told the White Knights asked Representative McKinney to speak out on this issue in preparation for using the truth of 9/11 to demonstrate why the NESARA government
improvements are necessary.
I will be updating my Dove Voice Report with shorter messages, about two minutes long to allow more people to get through on the phone line.
The technical support of the voice mail service I use suggested that people CALL EITHER LATE at night OR EARLY in the morning in their time zone in order to have a better chance to get through to hear the message when the system is in less use by other people.
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I invite you to join me in my own personal invocation inspired by Saint Germain and which I SPEAK OUT LOUD SEVERAL TIMES A DAY : "Standing in my I AM Presence, I call forth NESARA Now and the Prosperity Programs Worldwide Deliveries Immediately!"
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
The Dove egroup currently has 7,520 members
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Democrat Implies Sept. 11 Administration Plot
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 12, 2002; Page A16
Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) is calling for an investigation into whether President Bush and other government officials had advance notice of terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 but did nothing to prevent them. She added that "persons close to this administration are poised to make huge profits off America's new war."
In a recent interview with a Berkeley, Calif., radio station, McKinney said: "We know there were numerous warnings of the events to come on September 11th. . . . What did this administration know and when did it know it, about the events of September 11th? Who else
knew, and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered? . . . What do they have to hide?"
McKinney declined to be interviewed yesterday, but she issued a statement saying: "I am not aware of any evidence showing that President Bush or members of his administration have personally
profited from the attacks of 9-11. A complete investigation might reveal that to be the case."
Bush spokesman Scott McLellan dismissed McKinney's comments. "The American people know the facts, and they dismiss such ludicrous,
baseless views," he said. "The fact that she questions the president's legitimacy shows a partisan mind-set beyond all reason."
In the radio conversation, McKinney delivered a stinging attack on the administration. In 2000, she charged, Bush forces "stole from America our most precious right of all, the right to free and fair elections." With the September attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania, McKinney said, "an administration
of questionable legitimacy has been given unprecedented power."
She suggested that the administration was serving the interests of a Washington-based investment firm, the Carlyle Group, which employs a number of high-ranking former government officials from both parties. Former president George H.W. Bush -- the current president's father --is an adviser to the firm. McKinney said the war on terrorism has enriched Carlyle Group investors by enhancing the value of a military contractor partly owned by the firm.
Carlyle Group spokesman Chris Ullman asked: "Did she say these things while standing on a grassy knoll in Roswell, New Mexico?"
During her five terms in office, McKinney has often given voice to radical critiques of U.S. policy, especially in the Middle East. She defied the State Department to investigate assertions that international sanctions are brutalizing innocent Iraqis.
With her comments concerning Sept. 11, McKinney, 47, seems to have tapped into a web of conspiracy theories circulating during the past six months among people who believe that the government is partially -- or entirely -- to blame for last year's attacks, which killed more than 3,000 people.
"What is undeniable is that corporations close to the administration have directly benefited from the increased defense spending arising from the aftermath of September 11th," McKinney charged.
"America's credibility, both with the world and with her own people, rests upon securing credible answers to these questions."
None of McKinney's colleagues has embraced her allegations, but a few said they are familiar with the theories.
"I've heard a number of people say it," said Rep. Melvin Watt (D-N.C.), who quickly added, "I can't say that it would be a widely held view" among lawmakers.

By [Dove] Posted by Gary Larrabee
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