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Show support for Palestine

Auntie Beeb | 12.04.2002 14:00

As the truth emerges about nuclear armed Israel's genocidal onslaught in the Occupied Territories show your opposition by coming to the protest in London on Saturday.

Mass National Demonstration for Palestine in London
Saturday, 13 April 2002, from 13:00: assemble Hyde Park Corner, march to Trafalgar Square

Speakers: Jeremy Corbyn and others. Info: London 07958329879, Scotland 07773371148, North 07968757248, Midlands 07976649356

Organised by: Called by Muslim Association of Britain and supported by Stop the War Coalition, Campaign for Palestinian Rights, and a diverse range of many more organisations., Email:

Auntie Beeb


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America's phoney intervention

12.04.2002 18:09

It is now clear the Colin Powell had no mandate for intervention in Sharon's War. The US Administration is quite happy for Sharon to continue his murderous onslaught whilst giving the appearance of trying to bring the conflict to an end. The Bush administration will bear the shame of this duplicity, lives, on both sides could have been saved by strong American intervention weeks ago, but Sharon had the measure of Bush and knew he could do what he liked.

Sharon's boasts of having destroyed the "terror infrastructure" are also seen to be hollow and if the Israeli people would open their eyes they would see it too and get rid of the man before he brings them into odium in the eyes of the world.

I have no doubt that there will be plenty more damning evidence to lay before the Court in Belgium to declare this man a war criminal and bring him to trial. If wilful inactivity was a crime Bush would be alongside him.

Tom Duncan

Tom Duncan
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