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Last apartheid political prisoners STILL in jail!

Harare 3 | 09.04.2002 22:36

The last three political prisoners of the apartheid era are still held at a maximum security prison in Zimbabwe to this day.

This site is dedicated to increasing public awareness of the plight of the last three political prisoners from the South African apartheid era, in the hope that public opinion worldwide may help deliver these men from an appalling existence in a prison which breaches every international Human Rights convention, and many national statutes.

Philip Conjwayo, Mike Smith and Kevin Woods have been incarcerated in Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison in Zimbabwe since 1988, following convictions based on evidence that included confessions made under extreme duress. For this reason alone, their convictions would be deemed unsafe by every judicial system in the civilised world.

During their period of imprisonment, they have suffered the most barbaric and inhuman treatment, which, even if they were guilty as charged, is unwarranted.

Whatever your political opinions about recent South African history, we are sure that you will be aghast at what you will learn from exploring our site.

Harare 3