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Queen Mother or Dead Royal Jedi?

Auntie Beeb | 09.04.2002 21:31

Saw this, loved it, had to share......

Queen Mother or Dead Royal Jedi?
Queen Mother or Dead Royal Jedi?

Auntie Beeb


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about right

09.04.2002 21:47

for the chief toad


no, auntie you said it was dead

10.04.2002 05:28

amazing likeness :)


o, dont waste the wonderful medium of the web

10.04.2002 14:53

with this rubbish. cant you see its imposible to do a pastiche of someone who was a living parody anyway ?... Unless youre trying to say she,( like the star wars character), was a two-dimensional creature manufactured by industrial scale propanganda. in that case, i would agree with you. please clarify...


"Great lies tell, great pain cause."

11.04.2002 03:59

how dare you Auntie Beeb! Yoda was one of the most respectable beings in the universe (of george lucas). Yoda was a master of himself--as far as i can tell, the queen mummy was a wanna-be master of others, which, metalogically speaking, is next to an impossibility.

the dead queen may look like Yoda, but she couldn't hold Yoda's Jedistrap.
