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18-20 april zagreb croatia action days against imf, world bank

h | 09.04.2002 20:47

conference another world is possible 18-20 april
street actions saturday 20 april

18-20 April, Zagreb, Croatia

"Another World Is Possible" is an initiative founded by individuals from different groups and NGOs. The manifestation organized by the initiative will include a conference which will cover many topics concerning economic globalisation and its consequences as well as alternatives. The conference will be held on April 18, 19 and 20, 2002 on the premises of the Faculty of Political Sciences (Zagreb, Lepusiceva 6) and multimedia center m.a.m.a. (Zagreb, Preradoviceva 18). Participants of the conference will be different scientists, scholars, professors and journalists.
This will be a round table conference where each participant will present his/her case within 15min. time limit. Discussions can take place after the presentations.
April 18, 2002, Thursday, 14:00 - 19:45
1.Prof. M. Jost: "Genetic engineering in agriculture"
2. V. Lay: "Agents for sustainable development in Croatia"
3. D. Plecko: "Local community in solving local problems: the case of Samobor"
4. D. Muvrin: "Organic farming offers new possibilities"
April 19, 2002, Friday, 14:00 - 17:00
1. I. Malbasic, Bankwatch Network, Budapest: "World Bank and reconstruction of the Balkans"
2. L. Gabriel, anthropologist and journalist, Vienna: "The Porto Alegre
process and the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC)"
3. B. Horvat, Ph.D.: "Self-government"
4. Prof. A. Grubacic: "PARECON - participatory economy"

17:00 - 20:00
1. Prof. Z. Puhovski: "NATO?"
2. Prof. A. Dajkovic, USA: "Political economy and ideology of global militarism"
3. Prof. V. Golubovic: "Another world is possible with revolution?"

this is "theoretical" part, in saturday we will meet at central square, there will be various info-points (about imf and wb policies, against nato's bases in croatia, about new croatian laws regarding workers and gmo,anti-war campaigne, anarchist collectives...), food not bombs, "take it or leave it" fair (with flyers about consumerism and alternatives, like LETS e.g.), performances, press conference, political comics,etc. there will be march through the center of the town towards imf office. there's no israeli embassy in croatia, and we decided to ignore the U.S.A., we've been there many times and now police & press expect us to do that, but we don't want to give them any more legitimacy... there will be concerts and party in clubs "attack!" and "mocvara" (in the same building, ex-factory "jedinstvo", trnjanski nasip bb.) on monday, april 22, in m.a.m.a. multimedia center will be presentation of zapatista's struggle and communities in chiapas, with guests from slovenia who recently returned from mexico.



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Bravo to Croatian activists for popular Futur

10.04.2002 05:19

Yes, in these perilous times of the "Texas of Evil," it is encouraging to see that Croatian activists focus on the real culprit behind the Bush League War of Terror, which is the World Bank, IMF & the corporate elite.
The real aim of the current Bush/Cheney oil cabal, hiding behind the fig leaf of "fighting terrorism," is of course--due to the rising global tide of anti-globalization consciousness--a bald-faced attempt in "saving Private Capital."
Keep up your valiant efforts for the "Good Fight" in helping to bring about a new Collective & sustainable Future for the benefit of the vast majority of 6 billion Earth inhabitants. You have nothing to lose but your ideological and financial chains!


Croatian in SEATTLE USA says hello

10.04.2002 07:58

Hello Croatia,
Im an American of Partial Croatian desent I stopped off in Croatia after the IMF action in Prague in 2000.My Great-Grandfather was a Seamen who sailed from Rijeka in the 1870's.I was the first to go back to Croatia and I love it especially the Coast.Id like to stay in touch with any folks in the Anti-Corporate Globalization Movement in Croatia if possible.We will be having an action here in Seattle as well against the IMF-World Bank.
In Solidarity, Joe Hill SEATTLE WASH USA

mail e-mail:

Another world was there already !

10.04.2002 14:28

Therw was another world there already in the shape of socialist Jugoslavia, (C. 1943- 80s )which fell apart mainly because people turned intoidiotic nationalists and couldnt see when they had a good thing going for them.
I expect idiotic SWP to chime in saying 'it want really socialist, dont support stalinism' and so on. Wrong ! Trotsky made it clear that every attempt at socialism should be supported as far as possible and certainly against western capitalist imperialism.

Fools Fools Fools !