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Update Palestina

pocahontas | 09.04.2002 02:23

Latest update from Palestina, from IMC Norway

Israel have occupied most of the West bank now, of the large villages and towns in the West bank it is only Jericho that havent yet been occupied.

The Gaza strip is next on the line, tanks have been positioned around the refugee camps. Nobody knows how many palestinians have been killed in the past days. Red Crescent have ceased all activities due to attacks on medical staff and ambulances.

UN announced yesterday a new resolution that demands complete withdrawal. Israel ignores the international condemnation of the attacks, and the IDF plans to continue full on the occupation and attacks until Colin Powell's arrival next week.


09/4 00.01:
IDF have spread to smaller villages, but declares that they will continue keeping occupied under siege: Ramallah, Betlehem, Nablus and Jenin

08/4 23.00:
IDF have began to reach Qalqilyah, and Tulkarem is next. They have now withdrawn from Yata. This was after pressure from Bush. At the same time there are reports of a large number of killed civilians in Jenin.

08/4 22.45:
Israel minister of external affairs Shimon Peres have said that Israel will ease Araftas isolation, if Powell meets Arafat, if this occurs the most probable location will be in Arafats headquarters in Ramallah.

08/4 20.50:
The leader of the Hizbollah Sheikh Nasrallah says the attacks on the border of Libanon/Israel will continue.

08/4 18.50:
IDF says they have completed the operations in Nablus; 500 Palestinians have surrendered to IDF in the last hour.

08/4 18.00:
A bus with activists from US, England, Ireland and Japan have just arrived to Nablus. They will function as human shields in hospitals and ambulances.



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Fourth Reich

09.04.2002 08:47

The Zionist entity is executing all the young men between the age of fourteen and forty, those who are defending their land. All potential martyrs are being martyred by the IDF. This is deemed a successful operation by Sharon.


Don't lie on deaths - its bad enough without

09.04.2002 10:02

Many - every single one is too many - Palestinian men are dying defending their homeland. BUT if you say every man between 14 and 40 is being killed you better produce the evidence now and later.If they were how come Indymedia and Palestinians sources also say thousands are being taken to prisons.
Please keep your idiotic comments off here - you just become (maybe you are ?) part of the Israeli lie machine when you do this.You discredit genuine reports from the ground and play into the hands of the right wing fundamentalist extremists of Israel, USA etc.
