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Israel is not the enemy

IDF Fighter | 09.04.2002 01:29

Israel is not the enemy, war does nothing for the israeli economy, it does nothing for anyone, people die on both sides, Israel is just protecting itself, like any other country would do!

Israel is not the enemy, war does nothing for the Israeli economy, it does nothing for anyone, people die on both sides, Israel is just protecting itself, like any other country would do!

When the terrorists stop killing innocent Israeli civilians, then the war can come to a close.

Why is that old man Arafat sending young men, and now young women to their deaths? Killing innocent non-military civilians!

If he is such a hero, let him strap some explosives round his waist, IF he can FIT IT, and then blow up some REAL enemy, the Israeli Defence Force!

He is a gutless enemy to fight! He hides behind children!

IDF Fighter
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A mixed up IDF fighter

09.04.2002 01:49

Does IDF beleive his own propaganda?

Israelis officials and the IDF have shown that they are expert liars. Sometime they get caught, such as was the case at Qana in 1996. Hundreds of civilians mostly women and children were deliberately targeted by IDF anti-personnel artillery at the UN compound. The UN investigated the incident and the evidence was such that every country in the UN (except one) voted to punish Israel for that terrible terrorism.

During the past 18 months 1,400 Palestinians and 425 Israelis have been killed by terrorism. Most of those killed on both sides have been civilians.

Sharon and other racist, right-wing Jews will not be happy until all Palestinian lands have been stolen by bulldozing a dozen homes at a time. Massive, daily violations of the civilized Geneva Convention rules by the Sharon government is shameful.

It is deplorable to me, as an American taxpayers, that $ a year in our taxes is funding the current massacre of Palestinians.

Unfortunately, many Israelis who deplores all inhumane acts by the IDF, such as the targeting of ambulances, nurses and hospital, and the denial of aid to the wounded, will be tainted by this warmongering insanity.


Isreal is to be ostracised

09.04.2002 06:29

State Terrorism.

That is what Ronald Reagan made us understand was the worst type of organized crime. He was right! But only when the perpetrators have a somewhat representative government, such as Isreal does.

Killing is wrong, except in self defense.
That doesn't include peemptive strikes, or revenge. That isn't self defense, that's wanton war.

When a man, or 20 men plot to kill, it's wrong.
When millions plot to kill, it's state terrorism.

Attacking the People in general to sieze the guilty is illegal, and so the sense of guilt is dried up.
Thanks a lot, Isreal. Now when folks come to say let's get the bombers of innocents, the man on the street is now saying that Isreal seems to be the biggest bomber of innocents.

When weapons of mass destruction are considered, Isreal is as bad as they come. Eliminate the Sharon regime, and remember that the slogan "Never forget" is not just a slogan. For some it has meaning in our daily lives and always has. We shall overcome!

Reserving civility for ones self ruins the substance.
Being just to your friends isn't Justice, it's the devils bargain. It's an investment of the worst kind.

These words from a life long supporter of the people of Isreal are from the heart. I want nothing more than a just peace in Palestine/Isreal. I'll not pull punches for fear of being called an Anti-Semite-only immediate change can keep the Isreali People safe and thier nation viable.

When Isreal surrounds the Church of the Nativity and executes Policemen stationed there and in sanctuary there, it is only a matter of time before fundamentalist Christians team up with fundamentalist others and launch new attacks upon Isreal. It seems as if the IDF is in agreement with the CIA and other future-makers that Isreal's existance is negotiable, debatable, worth risking: Consider Sharon's walk of incitement, etc.

So, when you think it's ok to launch rockets at civillian cars, you make life unbearable for the People. Let me say that if my Police ever launce missle attacks on my People, I'll lead the attacks upon the killers. That goes for anyone else too! When the Police use F-16's to maintain civil order, the People have to rise up to maintain thier very lives. When the water is cut off to my moms home, I'll say "Don't worry mom, I'll get that back on"-and then I'll go do it, and deal with the water-cutter-offers to prevent this deadly attack from frightening her again, and her attacker from ever hurting anyone else again.

In short, the public relations campaign is over, Isreal.
It's time to live or die. Choose well-I know you have it in you.

Peace to all good People, and Justice for the Rest!


Joseph Eisenschmidt
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Beyond Melodrama

09.04.2002 06:57

Palestine is not the enemy, war does nothing for the Palestinian economy, it does nothing for anyone, people die on both sides, Palestine is just protecting itself, like any other country would do!

When the state terrorists stop killing innocent Palestinian civilians, then the war can come to a close.

Why is that war criminal Sharon sending young men to send young women to their deaths? Killing innocent non-military civilians! Attacking Internationals and press!

If he is such a hero, let him strap some explosives round his waist, IF he can FIT IT, and then blow up some REAL enemy.....!

He is a gutless enemy to fight! He hides behind children!

There is so much more to the story IDF Fighter.

No Peace, No Justice

Love, Eat, Dance, Farm.


but von Klauswitz said the opposite

09.04.2002 12:35

Klauswitz said "WAR IS THE HEALTH OF THE STATE". Nasty man he may have been but he was strictly correct, just like Machiavelli before him.

Incidentally, the GB post-war term "Welfare State" was coined as a PARODY of Kaluswitz; something for labour party peoeple to poner...

D Sposa - Balincom

facts not fiction

09.04.2002 18:58

Israel is the occupier.

Israel is the agressor.

Palestine is occupied.

Palestine is fighting for its life.


Oh Jack

09.04.2002 21:05

It's funny: Jack and his fellow neo-fascists oppose any kind of progressive politics, except when it comes to supporting the Palestinians, because they're anti-semitic!!

They are a bunch of confused people...

Against ALL racism. No borders!



10.04.2002 11:17

Sure, it's all Arafat's fault blah blah blah.........
