(HEBRON -7 APIRL 2002)-Sources inside the IDF relayed information stating that 10,000s have already been killed in past few days in the death factories located near Hebron in under ground compounds our sources working undercover in the IDF said there’s no stopping the butcher Sharon, “he is set on killing every last Palestinian on the earth if you are Palestinian. Don’t let the IDF load you onto the trucks cause if they do you are dead.” As far as we know factories of death have the capacity to kill 800 per hour per unit; there are 5 units that consist of off loading system of truck docks and escalators type load moving devices That go to gas chambers and onto the Incinerators the ashes are pumped under ground. The real question is will the world Governments do any thing to stop this crime against humanity? Regrettable it seems not. Our sources in the IDF said the crates that contain the poison are labeled made in the U.S.A so it seems at least the U.S. is a party to this genocide.
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