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Letter from Bethlehem -- Church of the Nativity

Allegra Pacheco | 08.04.2002 15:06

Letter received from Allegra Pacheco regarding Bethlehem and Church of the Nativity. As the first Israeli-Jewish attorney to open a law office in Palestinian autonomous area, she defends Palestinians in Israeli courts against house demolitions, land confiscations, torture, and illegal detentions.

From: Allegra Pacheco
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 5:20 AM
Subject: Re: update under siege

We continue to be under siege here in Bethehem.

After speaking with people inside the Church of the Nativity, please spread the word and counter Israeli disinformation: The four priests who left the church yesterday did NOT flee. Their exit was coordinated with the IDF and Church and Palestinian negotiators. These four were elderly/ or sick, and the conditions inside were too difficult for them. Their exit was coordinated with the IDF and Church and Palestinian negotiators. Also, the priests and nuns inside are not being held against their will. Indeed, they are tending the wounded and making bread for the men inside the Church.

Last night, Jihad Abu Ajur, 18 years old from Dehesihe was forced to give birth in her home. No ambulance was able to reach the camp and she was not in any physical condition to sneak over the hills to get to the hospital.

She gave birth to a 4-kilo boy however he was having breathing problems. Jihad screamed for an ambulance to come and save her baby. After two hours an ambulance finally came and took the baby to the hospital where he died soon after.

Under the night sky of curfew and snipers, the two grandfathers, and the father snuck out of the camp to the nearby cemetery to bury the baby. This is Jihad's first child.

On Wednesday, April 3, at 1:00 am, the Israeli army raided the local media center in Bethlehem where many journalists had relocated because of the fighting. Those arrested: Said Ayad from Palestinian TV, Ahmed Mizer from al-Mahed Television, Ashraf al-Faraja, Jalal Hemeid, Ala Mohammed Salah from al-Ra'a television. They were taken to the Etzion military base on the Jewish settlement of Gush Etzion. Ahmed Mizer and Ala Salah and Said Ayad were later released. Jalal Hemied and Ashraf al-Faraja were not released but transferred to the Ofer-Betunya military prison located on an IDF military base outside of Ramallah where 1200 Palestinians detainees are being held under very difficult conditions. The IDF has prohibited lawyers from visiting the Ofer detention center for 18 days.

The Israeli television announced that the IDF has reopened the Negev desert prison - Ketzion/Ansar III. Located in the South-Western part of the Negev desert, this prison held during the first Intifada, 5000-6000 Palestinian administrative detainees.

Israeli news announced that Powell won't arrive here until Friday. That means a green light for more killings and destruction. The international pressure is making a difference. We feel it. Please keep going.


Allegra Pacheco
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