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Even the capitalists condemn Israel...

from Financial Times, London 5th April | 07.04.2002 16:54

World Bank condemns the destruction of civilian infrastructure.
Financial Times calls it an invasion.

If this has been covered before, apologies. But this smallish article in the FT of 5th April needs some publicity.

... A senior World bank official yesterday accused the Israeli army of destroying the internationallly funded infrastrcuture of the Palestinian territories...
Nigel Roberts, World Bank director for the West Bank and Gaza, said the army had destroyed water and electricity facilities, homes, schools and public buildings during its week long invasion of Palestinian towns...
"we are Impressed by the performance of the Palestian Authority in delivering services under extremely difficult circumstances ", Mr Roberts said. "If they are incapacitated, eliminated or delegitimised, the donor community will lose its channel to the Palestinians..."

from Financial Times, London 5th April