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ACADIDFA, a working agenda - 2

Boycott Israel | 07.04.2002 10:43

A Company A Day to keep the IDF Away "ACADIDFA"

ACADIDFA, a working agenda - 2
ACADIDFA, a working agenda - 2

Dear Activists

A new drive is in the making to force the IDF out of the territories.

This drive is called "A Company A day, to Keep the IDF Away or "ACADIDFA" in short

Jews are dead without money, their greed will systematically kill them.

It's those companies who directly support "Israel" that are mostly to be targeted.

Believe me, no one from IDF, CIA, FBI, SIS, or any of the thousand and one agencies listening to your phone calls, watching you, or hacking your computers would be able to look at your shopping baskit, or at your kitchen closet, or even at your refregerator.

You can do it, I can do it, everybody can do it, so lets "ACADIDFA"

Boycott Israel