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London Palestine Demo, Sat. 6th April, Part 2

Dafydd Roberts | 06.04.2002 20:50


Photo-reportage - demonstration in solidarity with Palestine, London, Saturday, 6th April, 2002.
Part 2.
(article 9)

London Palestine Demo, Sat. 6th April, Part 2
London Palestine Demo, Sat. 6th April, Part 2

Some 1,500 people assembled in High Street, Kensington, for another defiant protest against Israeli occupation.

See what you’re missing! Come to the demonstration in Whitehall, opposite Downing Street, next week - watch the Newswire, Upcoming and Calendar, all here at Indymedia UK, for details.

Don’t forget national demonstration in London, Saturday 13th April, assemble Hyde Park at 2.00 p.m. for march to Trafalgar Square.

Info from Palestine Solidarity Campaign,
020 7700 6192 -

Dafydd Roberts
- e-mail:


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  1. One more pics — Dafydd Roberts