may days 2002 ljubljana, slovenia 27.4.-3.5.
d | 06.04.2002 16:24
MAY DAYS 2002 LJUBLJANA * 27.april to 3.may 2002
creating alternatives to global capitalism
in the era of "global capitalism", the interests of the ruling system have unveiled themselves again. it divides humanity into rich and poor, exploiters and exploited, legals and illegals, powerful and oppressed, successful and loosers. the system has grown more aggressive and uses previously unseen forces of repression, state violence and terror. as the capitalist elite directs and oversees the flow of human life, humanity looses, for the interests of the ruling elite are not the interests of the rest of humanity. economic globalisation, the war against terrorism, play-act democracy and inhuman capitalist competition have gotten to the point where human dignity, moral and ethics play no role anymore. for the interests of the ruling elites, their capital and their privat property, all obstacles of humanity and justice are ripped apart.
the only answer and the only alternative is resistance and action. we invite you to actively join the preparations, organisation and program of "MAY DAYS 2002". we want to prepare and realise alternative, different, creative activities, events and actions in the week 24.4-3.5. in ljubljana. we want that many different people and groups participate in the project, who are trying to achieve a different world. we want a poweful enough joint "opposition" to be formed, which would be capable of representing radical alternatives to the economically and politically unjust world.. no space for passivity and apathy. it is time for engaged action against injustice and inhumanity of this world, and for the creation of a different, more just and more beatiful way of life!
we invite you to join the global anticapitalist resistance. lets stop their playing with people! lets stop their guns, war, army and police! enough with cheating and lies! enough of their state, their system and their supposed democracy! we want conditions, which enable the absolute freedom of the individual and the possibility to make our own destiny and luck! capitalism can never offer this!
for a different world with different values! for a world without classes, for equality, justice, happiness and peace! for friendship, life and freedom! for social justice and equal conditions for all! for a world not led by a power-blinded elite!
lets unite our forces and seek other ways!
Antifashistichna Akcija Ljubljana
February 2002

temporary program
Saturday 27.4.02
ANTI FA FEST III (day one)
opening of the may days 2002 with a traditional anarchopunk festival against fascism in the Gala Hala in Metelkova.
Monday 29.4.02
HRANA NE BOMBE (food not bombs)
POULICHNA ZABAVA (street party)
in downtown ljubljana.
Wednesday 1.5.02
the peak of may days 2002 with demonstrations in downtown ljubljana.
Friday 3.5.02
ANTI FA FEST III (day two)
closing of may days 2002 with the second day of the traditional fest.
we are also planning many events, theater, actions, lectures, workshops, meetings, video projections, club nights and more. you are invited to join the preparation of the program.