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vngelis | 04.04.2002 18:46

The End of the ZIonist Entity

After chasing and hunting like dogs the Palestinians in neighbouring countries and announcing the end of the Palestinians with Arafats exile into Tunisia in the early 1980's Sharon appeared dominant in the rubble of Beirut.
Sabra and Shatila were his crowning glory of murdering and butchering unarmed women and children for the benefit of his imperialist masters. But life is never that easy. Just when everyone thought the ZIonists had won, resistance took on a dynamic and tremendous form.

Not since the battle of Staliningrad has a defeated people resisted the most modern for the time army with its helicopters, fighter jets and tanks. Fighting house to house, wall by wall they attacked the Israeli invaders and their Phalangists henchmen. A couple of bombs sent the Yanks packing, leaving their dogs to do the dirty work in the Lebanon.

Sensing that other Arab and Islamic nations were under threat by the Zionist entity, which is nothing more than a mad dog bred on US terror tactics against poor and impoverished peoples, they started to support the Palestinian resistance in the Lebanon. The axis of evil Bush refers to has a purpose in his propaganda. The defeat of the Palestinians cannot occur as this will mean the totaly defeat of the Arab nation, the reprivatisation of the oil wells and a US takeover of the Middle East directly. For this to occur the balance of forces have to change dramatically causing a war on such a scale that they turn the whole of the Arab world into one Palestine.

But history isn't on the side of the Americans. Israel LOST the war in the Lebanon. The Lebanon scenario is now in the midst of Israel. With one big push, Israel will implode. For Israel to remain intact it has to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians, seal off its borders and declare UDI like Ian Smith did in old Rhodesia. But this means hundreds of thousands of dead, a situation which will totally drain the Israeli armed forces.

If the Palestinian resistance united without Arafat, as they never signed the Oslo Peace Accords or the new OSlo version of them with the Saudi proposal, the possibility exists for the struggle to be concluded much quicker. Millions of Arabs are demonstrating for their governments to take part in the war.

Saddam last year had 5 million volunteers who signed up, now he talks about an oil embargo against the USA. If two or three fronts were opened against the cowering Arab regimes who use water cannons against their own populations for and on behalf of the Zionist entity, Arab would lose its toehold. This is the burning issue of our times. The new world order can be buried in the deserrts of the Middle East thus opening a significant weakness in the US's plans for a world dictatorhsip.

For the anti-globalisation movement to take on dynamic form it has to adopt the Palestinian revolution on its banner alongside renewed anti-Americanism. Without that the whole world will become what Palestine is today: living hell.
Down with the USA
Down with Zionism



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The Only Democracy

04.04.2002 21:18

Israel is setting the example all other Police States will follow. Their tactics are the 'democratic' way, and if you don't accept this version of 'democracy and civilization' you are a terorist, as George Bush has emphasised. Then we all become like the Palestinians, ripe for brutal repression and genocide. Israel is losing the 'Moral High Ground' and the Mos-sad, by deceit must inflict more misery on their own citizens, to maintain the sympathy which Jack Straw suggests we should feel for the Israeli's, not Palestinians.
