Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars | 04.04.2002 14:18
BBC also joining the media choir : "Speicher : alive and in captivity in Iraq ?". Wednesday April 3d - just before the late ten o'clock news - the BBC announces : "We will soon start reporting on the missing american pilot - Michael Speicher - who apparently has been seen alive in Iraq".
BBC also joining the media choir : "Speicher : alive and in captivity in Iraq ?". Wednesday April 3d - just before the late ten o'clock news - the BBC announces : "We will soon start reporting on the missing american pilot - Michael Speicher - who apparently has been seen alive in Iraq". Even if the BBC is curtailed by the MOD's "D-Notice"-censorship, it still has some authority which can be used and also is misused.
Foreign Press Foundation - The Netherlands.
FPF-HR - April - 2002 - The miraculous resurrection of pilot Michael Speicher started officially on March 11-02 when US Vice President Dick Cheney is visiting British "fellow war traveler" ; PM Tony Blair at Downing Street. The "Moon"-paper -Washington Times - well known to journalists for its co-operation with secret services - reports to the surprise of many - that "British intelligence has provided evidence" that a US pilot, Navy Lieutenant Commander Michael Speicher, who was shot down in the Gulf War, is still alive and in captivity in Iraq. 11 years later ?
Iraq - reacting immediately to avoid worse - says it is known that Speicher is dead - and officially invites a US delegation, the International Red Cross, the European Union, the UN, and - included in the delegation - American journalists - to investigate the case in Iraq itself. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld retorts: "I don't believe very much what the regime of Saddam Hussein puts out. They're masters at propaganda."
As a Defense Secretary - living in a glass house, Rumsfeld is not clever throwing stones...
But it's an important step and twist in a tale that began a few months after Commander Speicher's F-18 was shot down January 17th 199, at the very start of Operation Desert Storm to drive Iraqi forces from Kuwait.
This is officially Phase One in the miraculous resurrection of the dead pilot. Speicher. He was declared killed in action in 1991, but was reclassified as : "MIA - missing in action" by the Pentagon last year.
After information from an Iraqi defector.(?) Nobody has seen the "evidence" this far. It should be very easy however to fake some pictures - satellite or others - as has been done many times before, to start overt and covert wars. Like the fake satellite pictures offered by the US Government to the Saudi's King Fahd, to falsely convince them and to be able to start Operation Desert
Storm. The Saudi's have repeatedly said they are very unhappy with the US plans to attack Iraq. Using among other things "the resurrection and saving of pilot Speicher" as a reason to attack. "There is the lack of a shared strategic vision," said Joseph McMillan, a former Pentagon official responsible for Saudi affairs. "The Saudis deny there is any reason for the United States to be there to defend the Saudi kingdom against Iraq," he told a Capitol Hill forum on U.S.-Saudi relations this month.
And most alert people remember this "classic" and disgusting fake too in the case of Iraq : the notorious
story invented by the infamous PR-firm "Hill and Knowlton", when the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to Washington gave lying testimony to a United States congressional committee that she
had been a nurse at the Kuwait City hospital. And had seen Iraqi soldiers turning off incubators in the premature natal unit, throwing babies around.
Another CIA-spook-story.
Anybody remember for instance the US invasion in the Dominican republic ? On 28 April 1965, U.S. military forces found themselves in the Dominican Republic protecting U.S. interests. U.S. military forces deployed to the Dominican Republic under the false pretense of "protecting American lives." A certain "Mr. and Mss. John Doe" had to be saved, but were never seen alive. And the US ruled the Dominican Republic.
BBC also joining the media choir :
"Speicher : alive and in captivity in Iraq ?".
Wednesday April 3d - just before the late ten o'clock news - the BBC announces : "We will soon start
reporting on the missing american pilot - Michael
Speicher - who apparently has been seen alive in Iraq". Even if the BBC is curtailed by the MOD's "D-Notice"-censorship, it still has some authority which can be used and also is misused.
The propaganda tricks now following are, according to the CIA handbook : the pro-US and Israel major media announce that Speicher's whereabouts have to be investigated. Possibly friends, spooks and parents are interviewed : " We have to save him before they torture him !". And similar sound bites. "Eyewitnesses" - said to be in Baghdad - will confirm in fluent English that Speicher "may fall in the hands of Osama bin Laden's murderous gang if he is not saved immediately !" No doubt CNN's Larry King interviews "live" " the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to Washington giving testimony on the Torture of the resurrected Michael Speicher. And everything shameful is done : "In the interest of the Nation". Meaning the United States Empire, the military industrial conglomerate, and a few allies.
The goal : Baghdad will be bombed into as much rubble as Kabul and surroundings, and the oil reserves
are in "good hands". President Bush will proclaim about Speicher - like good'ole General Westmoreland once did in Vietnam : "We had to destroy Iraq in order to save it". Save oil he means...
One wonders whether we'll ever see the resurrected Pilot Michael Speicher. If an actor has to do it, it will
only be foggy images on a bad quality video movie. Why does the CIA always buy old video cameras without auto focus ? So we are not able to see the difference between Speicher, president Bush and Osama bin Laden ? But, that is up to the necrofile NSA spooks and their "resurrection team". One wonders what Speicher's parents and family think about the whole NSA scheme. Having the memory of their dead son being used to trigger yet another US energy-war in the 3d World?
Foreign Press Foundation
Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands.

This is part of how it is done :

The fake threat :

Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars