Creativity for Kissinger/Mayday organising meeting this Sunday
movement of the Imagination | 04.04.2002 12:24
There will be a meeting a 7pm this Sunday in the Royal Festival Hall to organise and network creative activity on the upcoming Kissinger and Mayday protests. All Welcome!
The world is being born anew - in just the last few weeks 3 million have demonstrated against Berlusconi in Rome, 500 000 in Barcelona against Capital and war, hundreds of thousands take part in the Popular Assemblies in Argentina as resistance to Neo-Liberalism and the IMF grows and many thousands have protested against the War on 'terror'.
Resistance to the New World Order is growing at an astonishing rate.
The Anti-Capitalist movement is begining to develop beyond street demonstrations the 80 000 that took part in the World Social Forum in Brazil and the thousands that will partcipate in the European Social Forum in November in Florence show that the idea that 'Another World is Possible' can be made a concrete reality as a new left begins to emerge on a global level.
We are writing this email to invite all artists, designers and cultural workers to partcipate together in two forthcoming demonstrations both within one week of another that will we hope build and strengthen the anti-capitalist movement in this country.
On April 24th some 2000 of the top corporate fat cats will meet in the Royal Albert Hall to discuss 'The impact of Globalisation' their keynote speaker will be Dr. Henry Kissinger, a coailition of groups will attempt to blockade this conference, to show the profiteers and war criminals that they are no part of our vision of a new world.
The next week Mayday will take place on May 1st we want to take our creativity on to the streets of the capital during the day and come together later to help create a carnival atmosphere in Trafalgar Square where are united rally will bring together, peace and anti-war campaginers, socialists, trade unionists, anti-capitalists to celebrate our movement and say no to War and Privatisation.
We hope not only to be part of the biggest celebration in many years here in the UK but to network all interested groups and individuals to build resistance to neo-liberalism in the arts in this country and to mobilise people for the European Social Forum later in the year.
We have organised a meeting to kick the process of getting ready for these two events on:
SUNDAY 7 APRIL (this sunday) 7pm Royal Festival Hall (ground floor to the left of bar, we will a mayday poster on the table for identification)
This is an open meeting, please bring along any ideas/proposals/energy and creativity.
Movement of the Imagination
The world is being born anew - in just the last few weeks 3 million have demonstrated against Berlusconi in Rome, 500 000 in Barcelona against Capital and war, hundreds of thousands take part in the Popular Assemblies in Argentina as resistance to Neo-Liberalism and the IMF grows and many thousands have protested against the War on 'terror'.
Resistance to the New World Order is growing at an astonishing rate.
The Anti-Capitalist movement is begining to develop beyond street demonstrations the 80 000 that took part in the World Social Forum in Brazil and the thousands that will partcipate in the European Social Forum in November in Florence show that the idea that 'Another World is Possible' can be made a concrete reality as a new left begins to emerge on a global level.
We are writing this email to invite all artists, designers and cultural workers to partcipate together in two forthcoming demonstrations both within one week of another that will we hope build and strengthen the anti-capitalist movement in this country.
On April 24th some 2000 of the top corporate fat cats will meet in the Royal Albert Hall to discuss 'The impact of Globalisation' their keynote speaker will be Dr. Henry Kissinger, a coailition of groups will attempt to blockade this conference, to show the profiteers and war criminals that they are no part of our vision of a new world.
The next week Mayday will take place on May 1st we want to take our creativity on to the streets of the capital during the day and come together later to help create a carnival atmosphere in Trafalgar Square where are united rally will bring together, peace and anti-war campaginers, socialists, trade unionists, anti-capitalists to celebrate our movement and say no to War and Privatisation.
We hope not only to be part of the biggest celebration in many years here in the UK but to network all interested groups and individuals to build resistance to neo-liberalism in the arts in this country and to mobilise people for the European Social Forum later in the year.
We have organised a meeting to kick the process of getting ready for these two events on:
SUNDAY 7 APRIL (this sunday) 7pm Royal Festival Hall (ground floor to the left of bar, we will a mayday poster on the table for identification)
This is an open meeting, please bring along any ideas/proposals/energy and creativity.
Movement of the Imagination
movement of the Imagination
Hide the following 13 comments
please dont let this be aswp/gr front
04.04.2002 13:16
04.04.2002 13:17
GR Front
04.04.2002 14:00
yes, the traditional people's protest is in mayfair this year with much anarchic, carnival type stuff including a travelling anarchist circus, carniball, funeral of capitalism etc.
Sod this trafalgar malarky, i'll see you at the May fayre.
guy taylor is an arse
04.04.2002 14:03
The Drop-out Continuum
Try this
04.04.2002 14:06
Last Perfectionist
Yes another SWP front
04.04.2002 14:29
art tendency against capitalism and now have been
renamed [re-branded?] movement of the imagination.
They are basically SWP members who are artists
who wanna set-up a front group so they can get other
artists involved so they can recruit them.
If they were so creative or had such imagination then they wouldn't be going down to the GR/SWP Rally
in trafalgar square!
why feel so threatened?
04.04.2002 15:30
However, we believe that the anarchists too must subject their traditional tactical criteria to a searching examination, and must justify their political assertions in terms of present realities, at a particular time and place.
The anarchists need to become a little freer intectually - not an excessive demand, one would think, of someone who claims to want freedom and nothing but freedom"
Antonio Gramsci 1920
there is room for all...
movement of the imagination
movement of the imagination
Movement of Central Committee's Imagination
04.04.2002 19:22
"There is room for both of us"
Of course I have no problem working with socialists, but the SWP/GR just want to take over *everything*. Look what they're doing to Mayday - you're splitting hoping the media+police will attack us and praise you as the "reasonable, peaceful ones".
This is going to backfire, however, because everyone's going to Mayday in Mayfair - let's keep united!
I'm rather fond of Knightsbridge
04.04.2002 21:55
on May 1st the area is so rich and decadent.
Could pop by Sloane Sq on the way home, and kensington is also very prettty that that time of the year ...
Oh dear
05.04.2002 08:02
eric the red
Who cares?
05.04.2002 20:09
As for Globalise Resistance - they are backing the traditional Trade Union march this year, and you accuse them of 'splitting the movement'. But if GR was encouraging people to go to Mayfair, you'd accuse them of 'hijacking our protest'! They can't win!
Isn't it time for less carping sectarianism and more unity? 3 million people took to the streets in Italy recently. We'll never get that sort of protest in Britain if we keep bickering amongst ourselves.
Cautious Fred
Guy and his performing slugs at circus palac
06.04.2002 15:40
does anyone know about the SWP closed National (Hate) Convention in the Palace Theatre in Cambridge Circus (London) on 14th april ? WHY is it for REGISTERED members only ?
Ive got personal friends in the SWP and theyve normally been happy for me to wander along to their gatherings (you can find one or two interesting seminars out of so many !). so why not this one ?
I guess theyve got a lot to "Discuss". theyve overstretched themselves by moving in on so many operations: Labour, GR, SSP, LSA and what have you. Perhaps theres the possibility of a major shift or split in the ranks ?
acorn tributor
Nosey Nosey
06.04.2002 17:23
eric the red