AGnes | 03.04.2002 21:59
So much for the new beginning to policing in belfast. This Easter the Pig service of northern ireland/RUC different name same pigs were captured on video, batonning innocent housewife bystanders who were standing at their front doors on the North queen street peaceline interface watching to see what damage was done to their cars etc, by protestant rioters from nearby Tigers bay, when the brave big lads of the PSNI in their riot protection decided to beat the crap out of defenceless women residents, obviously the pig service had maybe mistakenly thought the New lodge women, were their own wives, sisters, mothers or something and decided to give them the same treatment they dish out to their own girlfriends daughters and wives. big brave men that they are.
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Fuck the police
03.04.2002 22:13
Fuck the police
Dont waste ur time DLing that..here it is
03.04.2002 22:24
Dont waste ur time DLing that..here it is
god help battered housewives wif these goons
03.04.2002 22:27
pig wife
RUC in the firing line
05.04.2002 16:48
Northern Ireland is an abnormal state, it should never really have come about, but seeing as it's here and 60% of the population is protestant, and seeing as it is (for better or worse) our territory, the RUC are tasked with defending the rule of law. The people of Northern Ireland aren't exempt from the laws of Britain, as much as IRA/Sinn Fein think they are.
As for the reports of brutality, where is your evidence? This sounds like propaganda to me. What would be the purpose of the police batoning women bystanders, or perhaps is there more to this than just "plain old brutality".
As for the RUC/PSNI being biased, of course it will be. It is a British police force and it will obviously be mostly formed of unionists who support Britain, you can't form a police force from people who oppose the very state that the force works for. I'm against the destruction of the RUC because if someone (catholic or protestant) wants to be a policeman, they will, whether it's called the PSNI or the RUC. Let's face it, IRA/Sinn Fein won't support this police force as long as it polices the rule of law, because what the IRA want is anarchy so they can fight out their way to a united Ireland. Law and order and security go against their plans because it solidifies the status quo.
I've heard all the stories about the RUC, and quite frankly, most of them are exagerated lies. Even if there's some truth to them, the IRA have done equally bad things, and the RUC are at least marginally better than being knee-capped without so much as a fair trial or blown to pieces in a bomb, even if you're an avowed republican.