Jim Gene | 02.04.2002 10:16
10,000s have already been killed in the death factories today located near Hebron in under ground compounds our sources working undercover in the IDF said
(HEBRON 30 MARCH 2002)-Sources inside the IDF relayed information stating that 10,000s have already been killed in the death factories today located near Hebron in under ground compounds our sources working undercover in the IDF said there’s no stopping the butcher Sharon, “he is set on killing every last Palestinian on the earth if you are Palestinian. Don’t let the IDF load you onto the trucks cause if they do you are dead.” As far as we know factories of death have the capacity to kill 800 per hour per unit; there are 5 units that consist of off loading system of truck docks and escalators type load moving devices
That go to gas chambers and onto the Incinerators the ashes are pumped under ground. The real question is will the world Governments do any thing to stop this crime against humanity? Regrettable it seems not. Our sources in the IDF said the crates that contain the poison are labeled made in the U.S.A so it seems at least the U.S. is a party to this genocide.
(HEBRON 30 MARCH 2002)-Sources inside the IDF relayed information stating that 10,000s have already been killed in the death factories today located near Hebron in under ground compounds our sources working undercover in the IDF said there’s no stopping the butcher Sharon, “he is set on killing every last Palestinian on the earth if you are Palestinian. Don’t let the IDF load you onto the trucks cause if they do you are dead.” As far as we know factories of death have the capacity to kill 800 per hour per unit; there are 5 units that consist of off loading system of truck docks and escalators type load moving devices
That go to gas chambers and onto the Incinerators the ashes are pumped under ground. The real question is will the world Governments do any thing to stop this crime against humanity? Regrettable it seems not. Our sources in the IDF said the crates that contain the poison are labeled made in the U.S.A so it seems at least the U.S. is a party to this genocide.
Jim Gene
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02.04.2002 10:27
No Movement Possible: Inhabitants of the city are under complete curfew. There is absolutely no freedom of movement, even for ambulances, doctors or international agencies, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). There is no medical access. Palestine Red Crescent medical relief workers have not been permitted to provide medical services to the local population. Israeli forces are firing on anyone walking out on the streets.
On Thursday, based on fears of an Israeli re-invasion, more than 500 inhabitants, including foreign nationals, lined up in the mud and rain at the Qalandiya checkpoint—the only exit point from the city allowed by Israel—begging Israeli soldiers to allow them to escape. In response, Israeli soldiers fired over their heads, exacerbating the panic and causing most to simply return to Ramallah.
Israeli Forces Using Human Shields: Israeli soldiers are occupying an increasing number of private residences and detaining the residents collectively in single rooms, with little or no access to telephone lines, news coverage or even food and water. In some cases, tens of civilians (including entire families) are being held in one room. Meanwhile, Israeli occupation soldiers have taken up armed positions in the houses or apartments of these residents. Civilian detainees include foreign nationals.
No Access to the City: The ICRC, the UN and other humanitarian agencies are unable to access the city or to access the civilian detainees and other prisoners.
Food Resources Limited: There is no food entering Ramallah and no one is allowed to restock. There will shortly be a food and drinking water crisis. Some parts of Ramallah are already without water altogether. Israeli soldiers are also eating the food of residents while taking up positions in their houses.
Electricity Being Cut: Large parts of Ramallah are without electricity and heat. The weather has been raining and unseasonably cold - residents have been struggling to keep warm. The lack of electricity also means that residents are without television and any news reporting of the situation outside their homes. Many residents of the city rely on cellular phones for communication and without electricity they are unable to recharge their phones. Therefore, the population is being held in isolation and there is increasing fear and confusion. Also, some telephone landlines have been cut.
Prisoners Being Taken: Israeli forces are taking Palestinians prisoner, in the streets and in house-to-house searches. Israeli troops are calling upon all male residents between the ages of 16 and 40 in some neighborhoods to “surrender”. The wounded are being treated roughly and being denied medical access. Now, their fate is unknown. There are reports of summary execution of some prisoners. The ICRC does not have access to them to ensure adherence to international law, and specifically the Geneva Conventions.
Gratuitous Vandalism and Destruction: There are on-going spiteful acts of destruction. Most commonly, Israeli tanks are driving over and flattening cars whether on the streets or parked on pavements in front of residences. Personal property inside houses is being destroyed in house-to-house searches.
death factories can you prove it?
02.04.2002 12:36
If you're hoaxing, remember what happened to the boy who cried wolf - this would simply detract from the credibility of the other stuff on here. Please return with proof, or at least confirm that all you have stated is true to the best of your knowledge, or remove it if its a hoax.
free spirit
02.04.2002 20:54
this article has been hidden...
03.04.2002 13:38
>"system of truck docks and escalators type load moving devices that go to gas
> chambers and onto the Incinerators the ashes are pumped under ground"
well that many auschwitz references don't support a claim for reality in my eyes. the poster has been challenged by comments to provide further facts but hasn't done so. byebye.