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Pictures from DAAWN Action

Manos | 01.04.2002 19:15

Some sit-in pictures from last Saturday's march.

D.A.A.W.N. and CamSAW activists participated in the CND organised "Don't Star(t) Wars" march on the 30 March 2002. Committed to direct action they sat down in the middle of the march and then in front of Downing Street. A full report is available at http:/$ Some pictures of the Sit-in and the march:

And the sit-in in front of Downing Street:

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war is not the answer

01.04.2002 22:54

Good pix - thankyou. But war is not the answer to what? Utter lies? No - the slogan should be - War is your only answer - because that is the only thing these manipulators are about - killing, fear, killing, fear - thats the opening knoll of the new world order. Expose it on the placards at least. Well done for at least trying, but the rest of us will join in when the message becomes clear.


how can you get peace through violence?

19.04.2002 07:55

violence can only beget violence. peace can not be achieved through violence. it's obvious i'm afraid. if all that is keeping people from violence is the threat of violence then there is no state of peace.

Nick the gothic