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Palestine/Israel Designer Bloodbath?

dh | 01.04.2002 12:44

Two articles here for your perusal the first on the creation of Hamas by the Israeli state. The 2nd the text of a message from Amadeus Rockefeller, CEO of Australian Rockefeller Global Communications, to the United Nations Assembly. Please note 2nd item on the agenda. Bloodbath by design?



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Intro should have read

01.04.2002 12:54

Intro should have read
Intro should have read

...note 1sr item on agenda



01.04.2002 13:50

In response to Rockefellers questions such as, "When was the last time you befriended someone not because of their possessions or their wealth - but simply because you cared about them?" The answer is OFTEN, in fact I have no aquaintances sought purely for their financial status - But that concept of caring is obviously alien to this minion of the Antichrist whose sole objective has been to destroy ALL religions in preparation for the Global Worship of the Beast, Rockefeller's God and Master. Your New World Vision is Hell Incorporated, I'd rather die than live in subservience to you and your trillionaire Rothschild globalist elite. And thanks to Rockefeller & co. Armaggeddon has been and gone for 100's of millions already.


more on amadeus

01.04.2002 14:19

More can be found on Amadeus and the rest of the family here


The Global Nation Campaign

15.04.2002 16:16

The Global Nation Campaign
The Global Nation Campaign

I think everyone who has a theory on the NWO and who its leader is doesnt have to speculate any more. It's quite bloody obvious. It's Amadeus Rockefeller. Am I the only one who can see this ??? Look at the global security section on his corporate website. It's announced there in clear daylight. If this man is coming out in the open - then that can mean only one thing - the new order is about to take full control.