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UK activists in Palestine

Valerian | 01.04.2002 10:05

UK activists in Palestine to do solidarity and peace work are now trapped in Bethlehem

Around 60 international volunteers, from places as diverse as Colorado and Croyden -- are trapped in Bethlehem and the surrounding towns. This area of the West Bank has been sealed off by Israeli troops for two days now. We were originally here to do solidarity and peace work coordinated by the International Solidarity Movement (; planting olive trees, observation at checkpoints, etc -- but our aim of tackling the underlying problems of the occupation has been abruptly cut short by the suicide bombs and Israeli offensive military offensive in Ramallah, and other Palestinian towns.

So far we have been showing our pasty-faced presence to the Israeli military, in the hope of blunting their desire to randomly shell Arab civilian areas. The last two days saw two demonstrations in front of the military perimeter troops. We have also been dispersing ourselves (in pairs) among the families of the two nearest refugee camps. These places, where unemployment tops 80% and fear of Israeli army invasion and bombing is a daily misery, are potent recruiting grounds for resistance fighters and suicide bombers. As a consequence, they are also important targets for Israeli invasion, mass arrest and summary execution.

Last night we sat up with the family plus their friends, the room was full of young men, most of the 15-45 age range making them targets for summary round-up. Those who work for the Palestinian Authority – three in the anti-drugs squad and traffic police – see themselves as marked for death, with the recent spate of extra-judicial executions (30 more reported in Ramallah this morning).

We sit with the families, we share their fear and the pressure they live under. What more can we do? We came here ill equipped to deal with all out war. ‘Total war’ is what Ariel Sharon has declared this morning, as though his actions of the past weeks had implied anything else…

Walking back to base (I write this from a cultural center in D’haisha refugee camp sponsored by Italian Anarchists) we could see crater holes in the buildings, in the university, from cannon fire from the Gila Israeli settlement (colony). We are living within a modern military matrix of control, and are probably the safest people here.

We wait for other people to act. Belgium has cut off diplomatic relations with Israel – as has ?Norway? There is unrest amongst the 1.5 million Palestinians of Jordan, and the king is arguing with his generals over orders he gave to protect the Israeli embassy.

We need pressure on our European and US governments now! Those of us from the UK – Scottish, Mancunian, Hackneyed – have issued a call for the UK government to break with Israel over this dirty war. In the end, international pressure will be the only tool to break the Israeli siege.

I tell you, it really puts it all in perspective. Getting tear gassed and arrested has never seemed so attractive!



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UK Media not saying much

01.04.2002 11:13

Really big respect to you people out there !!!!
The corporate media is doing it's usually bullshit job.
The BBC sucks big time. In Italy there is a lot of interest.
Probably due to the fact that there are several hundred Italians out there. Plus the fact that IMC Italy is doing a brilliant job. La Repubblica (Italian Newspaper) for one has been posting regular articles, quoting the even the heaviest accusations against the Israeli's. Hope tomorrow there will be dmo's and actions all over europe. I reckon that people like Bove and the other celebs will be more use if they got out and got themselves onto western news channels to recount the horrors they have seen. Hope everyone will get stuck into this and together we can stop this outrage ..

Good luck
