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Racist Poster Identified

anon. | 01.04.2002 05:09

The racist poster who has recently attempted to disrupt this site has now resorted to emailing IMC contributors making 'reasonable' pleas for his 'views' to be heard.

His email address is :
He signs off as:
Leeds Skullnation T.Division

Have fun with him!!



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01.04.2002 12:36

So Jack, you admit you post racist bullshit?


Nice Try Jack!!

01.04.2002 13:50

Only because you left the bit about Leeds etc. to the last email you sent me, the ones before were very similar to the rants you post on this site. Besides, there is possibly more than one 'Jack'.


Be very careful . . .

01.04.2002 14:23

Be careful when dealing with this one. Although he uses the names "Jack" and "Nick", he also floods his "stories" with bogus replies carrying a variety of pseudonyms and e-mail addresses. This is a very old and unoriginal tactic, making it look as though dozens of Indymedia readers have suddenly and spontaneously converted to Nazism.

To be brutally honest, there is absolutely no point in attempting to engage this guy in debate. If you argue with him on a rational level, it elevates the racist shite he posts to a respectable plane. If, on the other hand, you post personal abuse (like I do), you run the risk of being seen as an emotional lightweight.

Since "Jack" takes an active interest in Indymedia contributors' academic qualifications, I have a master's degree in sociology and history. This probably qualifies me to comment that racism has no serious place in Western intellectual history. This is why most analyses of Western thought devote ten chapters to Plato and Aristotle (read any good books lately, Jack?), and about three sentences to Adolf Hitler.

Racists are really only good for one thing, which is putting up against a wall and shooting when the revolution comes. Oh I know, that's a very authoritarian perspective. Naughty me. Or here's another idea - we could empty the camps of asylum seekers, and put Jack and his mates in there instead.

Anarchist Rioter

Oh Jack...

01.04.2002 14:23

Jack you keep talking about Trotsky and the SWP/ANL. Do you think this site is anything to do with them?!?!
Most of the users/posters to this site are fuckin anarchists, who dislike the SWP for their authoritarian (mostly reformist) stance.
You are an idiot, and your views aren't winning you any recruits. Just crawl back under your stone and die you racist lump of shit.


Jack's on crack

01.04.2002 16:43

I agree with @rioter; don't bother 'debating' with the tosser, it's exactly what he wants.



02.04.2002 22:16

I disagree. If people come onto this site and read his racist postings and comments and there is no other direct argument, then who is heard? That's what he wants.
