No platform for racists on indymedia
Jay-B | 31.03.2002 18:51
This site is receiving regular daily postings from a known Nazi sympathiser, using a variety of pseudonyms, but most commonly Jack- as in " idon't know Jack Shit", presumably.
We're giving this asshole the oxygen he needs by dicussing his "arguments". A long-standing anti-fascist political programme has been that fascists should not be given a platform. By discussing/commenting on "Jack's" stories, we''re giving him precisely such a platform. And I don't think we should.
I'm proposing a collective strategy for dealing with this fuckwit; next time he posts anything, a comment/disclaimer should be added to the effect that the posting is from a known BNP sympathiser. And that's all- let the twat run back to his fuhrer. Yes?
I'm proposing a collective strategy for dealing with this fuckwit; next time he posts anything, a comment/disclaimer should be added to the effect that the posting is from a known BNP sympathiser. And that's all- let the twat run back to his fuhrer. Yes?
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No censorship
31.03.2002 19:36
I an I
Free speech is worth more
31.03.2002 19:49
31.03.2002 21:37
If you want to join the newswire why not post something about a current situation? - the events going on in Israel and the Occupied territories for example - or would that be too exposing?
As a left/anarchist-leaning conspiracy theorist I know the joy of the put down/ignore experience, but it's limited.
There is a desparate need for communication between the outside factions of society in the face of the oncoming genuine Nazi society, which will crush hate-mongering creeps along with all other opposition. Do we really want wingist opposition for eternity?
Maybe look to the farout right wing anarchists of the US as opposed to the kkk/david duke/ANP, as you currently do
I'm alright about Jack
31.03.2002 21:50
jerry kewley
indymedia is for us all
31.03.2002 22:13
it just so happens that the usual people to get ignored or mistaken/propaganderd are the left(even though that is a broad banner)and in my opinion the right get their say in the corparate media and the far/extreme right have little with any substance to say seeing as their cause is more like a dementure,but as i say,that is just my opinion.
so here we are with an excellent site to use for whatever purposes,be it finding information/sharing information or just keeping up with the real news.
as much as i have no sympathy for the right wing cause and also agree that action needs to be taken to quell it,excluding people for their beliefs or denying anyone free speech is the wrong way to go about it,it is against all i stand for.
so be it left or right,indymedia is here as a place to be used by people who cannot trust the corparate media to put their point across,and seeing as a large percentage of the visitors to this site are inclined towrds the left(i assume) i dont think there is any reason to get worked up.
i for one would be interested to hear what this guy has to say,it is not often you do get to hear the real concerns and thoughts of far right wingers,i have never heard any of the far right tell me anything about their cause and not been able to right it straight off as idiocy.
indymedia is here for us all to use,
what are you scared of?
scared this guy will convert all the lefties and activists into nazis?
lets have a fucking debate with the guy,find out what he feels and why he feels it.
cos it's a frame-up
31.03.2002 22:20
31.03.2002 23:25
i think it would be interesting for us to hear the views of people who stand for the opposite.enough times ive heard ridiculous,irrational arguements on behalf of the far-right
and im convinced somebody somewhere has more to offer than that.
most of the far-right i have come across are nothing more than impressionable thugs who would go with most causes as long as they got that lifestyle.
ive read that alot of the far-right are linked with football hooliganism which suggests a love of violence rather than allegiance to any specific cause-
but thinking on this i start to wonder whether im a victim of the propaganda against this cause.i already understand that people who arnet interested in a specific cause will believe what is offered without putting much thought into it.
the masses of people who watch/read the news after an anti-capitalism protest and see masked people smashing shops and throwing petrol bombs at the cops will straight away assume the story they are being force fed is the truth-we know it is not.
so when you get pissed off with the way yr being portrayed
by the corparate media,where do you turn?
we turn to indymedia,this is the beauty of the concept.
be it left right or whatever...this is a space for people to "bypass the corparate media machine"
what is yr problem with somebody having their say?
i doubt many people who use this site are easily offended,so that is no problem...???
why not listen and see what he has to say?
if you dont like it then dont read it---simple.
although i expect my thoughts of what this person has to say will be confirmed,its not gonna hurt to listen.
if he was filling the site with hatefull messages or abuse
then something should be done,
but as he is here it suggests that he is(as we are)fed up with the mainstream media.
lets give him chance to say what he feels he is being deprived of saying.
Let crap die on the vine
31.03.2002 23:35
My suggestion regarding obvious racist and sick postings would be for everyone to simply ignore this kind of shit and to let it die on the vine.
Completely idiotic stuff does not deserve or require answers. You can't have a dialog with a moron.
Not news
01.04.2002 00:33
... unless the brave and dedicated souls of IMC-UK collective have a different idea ...
Dan Brett
Feck off
02.04.2002 10:37
Daniel Brett
Daniel; I love you!
02.04.2002 16:46
It's actually one of the main problems with the "anti-capitalist" ethos- in that it's not enough just to say what we're AGAINST- precisely because it leaves the way open for neonazi sKKKum to attempt to gain some cred, just by also depicting themselves as against capitalism; just like Adolf did.