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Palestine IndyMedia Evacuated

Matt | 29.03.2002 23:21

Palestine IndyMedia is being evacuated as Israeli tanks roll in. Two foreign volunteers will remain at Palestine IndyMedia headquarters for as long as possible. Palestine IndyMedia is putting out an URGENT call for international solidarity to stop the brutal actions being carried out by the Israeli military against innocent Palestinian civilians. For more information go to:

for a comprehensive report, go to:

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more info on the day's strange events

29.03.2002 23:38

The headline article on the site :

IMC-Palestine may have to evacuate

Tanks are entering from Beit Jalla now. Hopefully more to come but IMC-Palestine is evacuating. Two foreign volunteers are going to stay in the office as long as we can.

Witnesses on the ground in Bethlehem:
for international dialing drop the 0 before the phone number)
English - Heather 00 972 (0) 67 270 398
English - Georgina 00 972 (0) 55 840 767
Arabic/English - Bilal 00 972 (0) 52 814 992
Italian - Francesca 00 39 3389 77 3899
There are French and Swedish speakers available as well


Friends as you may be hearing, seeing or reading
the situation in Palestine is desperate. Israeli forces
have invaded almost every area of Ramallah and
we are under heavy tank shelling and gun fire. An
unidentified number of people are dead and scores
are injured. Ambulances have been prevented
access and soldiers are opening fire on them.

There are international civilians in the areas under
fire witnessing the carnage of the Israeli soldiers
wreaked on the Palestinian people. Other
internationals have been beaten down for trying to
get into Ramallah to help Palestinians.

We extend a plea from the Palestinians and the
international witnesses to all of our friends abroad
to immediately phone and/or fax your
representatives and respective governments to
demand urgent and decisive action to stop Israel's
brutal offensive on the Palestinian people

Gather, march, and protest in the
We need the voices of all good people
around the world!


American Citizen in the Presidential Compound
American citizen Adam Shapiro is inside the Presidential compound and able to provide a full report of the situation inside the compound and surrounding areas.
Phone : 972 2 296 3170 or as back up mobile: 972 (0) 52 642 709

jerusalem.indymedia hacked... is being redirected to another site...

You can view the original site by switching javascript off. Easy to do in netscape >> preferences > advanced.

Very annoying...

It seems that it's a pretty basic and easily correctable hack - all they've done is add this command: 'onload=location.href=' http://xxxxxx.xxxxx.asp to the tag.

Incidentally, urban75 suffered it's strongest hack attempt a few days ago (thankfully unsuccessful)

picture still confused but...
the hack came in via post 605 on the palestinian newswire and the script was in the title. it appears two sites were involved including

NYC.indymedia was hit in the same way and we are investigating other abnormalities. indymedia's servers are safe for the time being but....

hacked again
to keep people updated. jerusalem.indymedia has been hacked again.

we cannot reach the IMC jerusalem admin because they are probably under gunfire...

this guy is not a script kiddie because he is trying to keep of us offline whilst sharon does his murdering business.

will keep you posted on whether we can keep the site up.


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29.03.2002 23:54

So perhaps he's Mossad? That would certainly explain things.

But really, wouldn't it be healthy to look beyond this isolated incident at the bigger picture.

Look at how the mass media of most Western countries, who owns it, and what messages they're always putting out.

It's nearly all pro-Israel, not surprising when you see who runs these outlets, and when you find out they've been donating millions to Zionist charities.

With the pro-Israel message hitting about 95% of the population who swallow it hook line and sinker, that means these people therefore have a LOT of power. The TV dictates who most people vote for, what they see it, how it's presented etc. In America this is even more obvious, you could say the Zionists effectively could swing an election in one way or another.

With this degree of power and influence, no wonder the US is so pro-Israel, they daren't pull the plug on it for fear of the consequences to them! Mossad agents have been deported recently for spying on America, and Mr Sharon himself angrily said during an interview, "Bush knows who's in charge" after the interviewer suggested America might take a tougher line.

So, are the Zionists, as Mr Sharon says, REALLY in charge?

From what I can see, they certainly have a lot of power, and this is very dangerous.



30.03.2002 01:38

The Zionist state of Israel is most definitely a Nazi state with regard to the Palestinians. The Palestinian response in the form of suicide bombers is most definitely not right . - a 16 year old girl? What has this world come to? This is mind control stuff, just as the Sharon trauma is.


Jack shit

30.03.2002 10:46

Jack: you are obviously the Nazi around here. You've condemned the entire Jewish race - 'they should be taken down a peg or two' - because of the actions of the Israeli Defence Forces, a terrorist organisation. Should we judge all Muslims as adherents of Osama bin Laden, or all Christians as supporters of Hitler, or all blacks as disciples of Mugabe? It's preposterous.

Israel is a racist state supported by the West, just like apartheid South Africa was aided by Margaret Thatcher. It has little to do with Judaism - in fact, many in Likud are non-religious. If you can be bothered to investigate further, you will find that many Jews are in solidarity with the Palestinians and completely distance themselves from the racist ideology of Zionism.

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Dan Brett
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