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The Cost of Crime

Nick | 29.03.2002 17:02

The cost of ethnic crime

- Blacks are 53 times more likely to commit inter-racial homicide than whites, while Asians are 17 times more likely.
-· Non-whites are at least 26 times - and up to 43 times more likely to commit a racially motivated offence against a white person than vice-versa.
- Ethnic crime costs Britain at least £5.7 billion each year as a result of 85,000 serious offences, or about one incident every six minutes.

Please note that the accompanying illustrations mentioned in the article are not available.

It has long been known that immigration has led to higher levels of crime, but the mass media and old political parties have always been reluctant to confront the facts head on. However, a study of recent government documents can now enable a quantitative analysis on the levels of ethnic crime in Britain today. Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System is published by the Home Office. The 2000 edition provides extensive information on the ethnic groups of persons arrested for a variety of serious crimes over 1999/2000 for each major police force area in England and Wales. With the data provided it is then possible to compare rates of crime between different ethnic groups.

Figure 1 shows the crime rates for each ethnic group using white levels of crime as a benchmark adjusted for comparison against all other ethnic groups. Robbery (which includes mugging) is committed by blacks at a rate of nearly 23 times that for whites, with fraud and forgery 8.5 times higher. Sex and drug offences are committed by blacks at about 5.7 times the white rate. Asians commit fraud and forgery at 3.4 times the white rate with robbery at 2.4 times, while levels of sexual and drug offences are about twice that for whites.

In contrast, Asians commit fewer burglary and criminal damage offences than whites. On average, blacks commit offences at a rate 580 percent greater than whites while Asians have a 75 percent higher rate. ‘Other’ ethnic groups are only slightly more likely to commit criminal offences than whites. With the rates of criminal activity known for each ethnic group it is possible to calculate the excess number of offences committed by ethnics in Britain, by comparing the number of offences committed by Britain’s ethnic population with a hypothetical white population of equal size. Any difference in crime levels between the white and ethnic populations is therefore a direct consequence of Britain’s multiracial society. In a homogenous, white Britain these ‘excess’ crimes would simply not exist.

Figure 2 shows that an excess of ethnic crime is committed in every offence. Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System also covers data regarding the number of racially motivated incidents in England and Wales in 1999. The data has been adjusted to account for certain group’s reluctance to report such incidents to the authorities. Of the 280,000 racially motivated incidents, 182,000 (65 percent) were committed against White people. This means that 7 percent of the population (ethnic minorities) were responsible for 65 percent of all racially motivated incidents, making them nearly 26 times more likely to commit such an offence than a white person.

A similar calculation using the 1999 British Crime Survey, published last year, produces an even more shocking figure: a non-white is 43 times more likely to commit a racial attack on a white person than the other way around. The lower figure fails to take into account the fact that not all racially motivated incidents against ethnic people are perpetrated by whites, many are inter-ethnic, such as black against Asian or Pakistani against Indian. Of further interest are the figures for inter-racial homicide. During the three year period 1997 to 2000 there were 149 inter-racial homicides of which 82 (or 55 percent) were white victims. Blacks killed 56 whites and 3 Asians, while Asians killed 26 whites and 6 blacks. In contrast whites killed 58 non-whites, or 39 percent of the total, meaning that blacks were 53 times more likely to commit inter-racial homicide than whites while Asians were 17 times more likely.

By the same process of comparing Britain’s ethnic population with a hypothetical white population of equal size it is also possible to estimate the financial cost of Britain’s excess ethnic crime. Home Office Research Study 217 The economic and social costs of crime attempts to assess the economic impact of crime on Britain. Estimates are made for the costs of security, insurance, property lost, emotional and physical impact, lost output, victim services, health services, and the criminal justice system itself (including police).

The average cost for each type of crime is then multiplied by the number of incidents, resulting in a total cost. When excess ethnic crimes are calculated as a fraction of the total cost of crime the figure comes to £5.7 billion, or about 10 percent of all crime committed. Fraud and forgery account for 43 percent of this total at £2.42 billion, with violent crime costing £1.25 billion. Next are robberies at £731 million followed by theft/handling costing £389 million while sexual and ‘other’ offences tie at £270 million each.

Note: The fact that some non-whites carry out crimes which produce the disproportionate figures discussed here does not, of course, mean that most non-whites are criminals. They are not. The vast majority are perfectly decent, law-abiding citizens. Nor do we believe that some whites are not criminals, because they clearly are, and they should be dealt with far more harshly.



Hide the following 16 comments


29.03.2002 17:51

A classic response from a SWP type is "Well whites do more fraud" which has now been proven wrong!

It's all about proportions at the end of the day, of course in general numbers whites commit more crimes, but then that makes sense seeing as we're about 93% of the population!

But these figures are really quite damning on the communities involved, the crap about socio economic conditions and "racism" might even explain up to a point, but the figures are so damning it goes beyond even the most well explained PC excuse!

However, I can't help thinking this information will be too complicated for many SWP/ANL types to disect. All they understand is dogma. So, to expect a reasoned response to these interesting figures would be wishful thinking.


Ho Hum

29.03.2002 18:02

This article appears to be a classic BNP/National Front troll post, accompanied by a spurious dig at the Anti Nazi League to get pulses racing . . .

I do wish the fascist scum who write this drivel would attempt to extract their heads from their anal passages, since no-one takes this crap seriously.

Anarchist Rioter

conspiracy theory

29.03.2002 18:18

I do wish the ANaL supporters would offer a legitimate reply instead of banding about "BNP infiltrator" conspiracy quack stories.


Hell's Bells!

29.03.2002 18:36

Well, there really isn't any point in attempting to reason with fascist scum. Neville Chamberlain tried that at Munich and he got stuffed.

As for your *homogenous white Britain*, you can stick it up your arse. Sending racist hate mail, intimidation, arson, and nail-bombing are "crimes" too, aren't they? Or maybe the Master Race is somehow justified in making people's life hell because they can't get it up any more.

Go back to and tell your mates in the BNP/NF/Combat 18 that *multicultural Britain* is here to stay, whether they like it or not!

Anarchist Rioter


29.03.2002 23:03

So next time you or one of your buddies goes on about the NHS being a mess, about the rampant violent and merciless crime wave, or social security benefits being too low.. You know where to look, the costs:

£4.4bn wasted on "asylum seekers"
£5.7bn on crime caused by immigrants/ancestors of immigrants.

I'm not someone who favours forced repatriation, and in many ways, you're right - multicultural Britain IS here to stay, but in what shape or form is what we should concern ourselves with. Most people would like the multiracial experiment curtailed, i.e no more but those that are here can stay as equals.

After all, why exactly do we need to import problems on top of our existing ones? We don't.


ha ha

30.03.2002 00:31

Jack if you are Mark Collett have you found your bag yet?
ha ha


Baby nazis try to look big

30.03.2002 00:54

Sorry NickJack , your time is past - which is why you're trying your hand on this wire. You'll be crushed underfoot when you've outlived your usefulness to the real hoodlums in government, among whom are the ascending stars in Europe who you presently welcome. Nazis in power are the way it's at, despite protestations of defending democratic values. All you can do is spread hate to the poor and oppressed and spread conflict. How the society of bosses must be chuckling in their boots at your service.Thankful for your divisiveness, your ability to serve as cannon fodder for the forces of social control when needed. Your connections to the UVF and the prison officers offer you nothing. Your hatred offers you nothing.Your desire for authoritarian control offers you nothing Give it up. Let it all go.


Dodging the issue

30.03.2002 01:32

You keep dodging the issue in question...

Instead of giving me something that's good about multicultural Britain that outweighs all the many massive disadvantages, you rant about Nazis.

Is that because you have nothing to defend this experiment? It seems so.


Because you are a Nazi, asshole

30.03.2002 02:05

Diversity is the spice of life. It's good to learn something new eveyday - and if this comes from a worldwide broadcst - then that's ok. White anglo=saxons have been exploited from the beginning if they're from the servile class (yes it's all bloodline stuff - but jewish people weren't ever in there way back)The Nazis created scapegoats aplenty to explain away the pyrimidal subjugation of the poor masses and their suffering and you do the same. Hence the 'Nazi' ranting.


behind the racist's stats

30.03.2002 10:20

The comments highlighting that this is article is most likely from a nazi troll are spot on -

however, given that these 'ethnic crime facts' are likely to be repeated in BNP propoganda in the local elections in places like oldham, here is some thoughts on why the stats are so bogus,

take the first, one blacks are 53 more times likely to commit interacial homocide that whites, these may be 'real' statistics from the home office, (they could of course be a complete load of bollocks, the fact that the poster talks of 'homocide' is a bit dubious since this isn't a term used in the uk),
let us suppose that it is true,

Person A goes and kills Person B at random
Let us suppose Person A is black,
what are the chances of person B being white or asian (interacial in the nazi's terms?
very high given that 94% of people in this country are white (yes nazi's that's the statisi- and in the asians too, and we get 2% (ish) of the population are black, 2 divided by 94 give, 1 in 47 which is very close to the 1 in 53,

add in the fact that murder is higher amongst working class and poor, and that racism in the uk means that blacks are more likely to get the shit jobs, homes etc, you would probably expect the figures to be much higher

ie it is possible to conclude that statistically speaking, given the same circumstances black people are much less likely to murder than white

lies, damned lies and statistics....

by the way, the key statistic on violent crime and murder is that you are much more likely to suffer from it at the hands of someone you know than a stranger - really want to do something about murder - get rid of the fucking family

barefoot statisitician

Nazi's go home, immigrants stay

30.03.2002 13:01

Fuck off with your Home Office statistics, we don't want your race war. Statistically, politicians have killed 100,000,000 innocent peole in a Century of terror, THE MAJORITY BEING 'NON-WHITE.' In South East Africa right now, 10 million people are starving to death. Do you even care?


A modest proposal

30.03.2002 14:20

Chums- can we agree a tactic for dealing with this nazi twat, who's getting far more attention than he deserves. Next time, just post something like "Attention- this has been posted by a known BNP sympathiser." Then we can all just move on to something more interesting. This twat's "arguments" don't deserve any discussion other than a kick in the teeth.



30.03.2002 14:37

It's funny how some of you who are most vocal against the BNP bring up the topic of "race war" and talk about attacking my physically for expressing a fair non-racist point.

It's extremely hypocritical, and everyone who logs on here can see SWP types who claim to be against violence talking openly about physical attacks on me because of my beliefs. I have yet to write any of the overt racism or violence you keep talking about.

So I'm the Nazi am I? Yet you're the one stifling the debate, trying to silence dissent, threatening violence, advocating attacks on people. Perhaps you should get your views straight because right know this is pathetic.



10.04.2002 17:48

Why is it that the right wing establishment authoritarian controlled constituencies such as Ballymena, DUP member Ian Paisley's (GOD SAVE THE QUEEN) constituency is now the SMACK/HEROIN CAPITAL of the UK. Why do right wing capitalist neonazis persist in pushing heroin to their own working class communities, such as the ex NF member UFF'C' company commander Johnny Adair's loyalist Lower Shankill community which is rapidly becoming another smack city, recent newspaper reports substantiate the link between Johnny Adair's C company and Scottish loyalist heroin pushers, who have deliberately spread smack addiction in working class housing estates of Scotland, we know why they did this, they were working for the british establishment snobs who have an burning hatred of the Scots . Is it because they are capitalist fuks desperate for dosh, or is it because they despise and hate their own working class communities and want to devastate and destroy the very fabric of working class communities.

Tom Mooney brigade


13.10.2003 18:33

Why is it that sympathisers with groups such as the ANL are so quick to label something a "nazi statement" or "BNP bullshit"? I find it rather ironic how quick these anti-nazis are to pigeonhole someone, seeing as pigeonholing seems to be the main problem they have with far right ideologies!

Why is it so hard for them to not notice the astounding hypocrisy of even TALKING of banning the BNP?! It is utterly ludicrous to even consider this and i cannot see how anyone who supposedly upholds democracy and freedom could entertain an idea like this.

I found this article interesting, but as with all "statistics" i take it with a pinch of salt. It is a sign of intelligence to take into account all views, even those you label as "discriminatory". To label something like this a "Nazi" view is unebeleivably insulting and insensitive. Views like this do not even compare to the Third Reich running a plan of ethnic cleansing and extreme fascism 60 years ago. To even suggest this is pure arrogance and unebeleivably pathetic.

Some of the comments on this article are not even worth noticing, they are just another example of the ridiculous neo-liberal ideals of the majority of today's youth, which seems to rely on buzz words and hysteria rather than any actual substance. Honestly, how many of you "got into politics" through being told what to beleive by some punk? and how many of you have owned a "fuck off nazi punks" t-shirt thinking you are the bees knees?

It is easy to see how people associate the downfall of society with ethnic minorities, it is an idea that has been around for far longer than the Nazi Party and the various insitutions it spawned. I beleive humans are inherently racist, you may not agree, but i think it makes sense really. It honestly makes me laugh when people say "when i look at any ethnicity i view them excactly the same as the next". How can you ignore the facts in front of you?! Mankind is made up of many different cultures and ethnicities all with their own individual can you ignore this?! Being an ethnic minority isn't just about skin colour. Maybe these differences make it hard for certain cultures to survive when they are in another culture. For example the man who killed his daughter for seeing a christian boy ( Do you not think that people coming into a country should at least try & adapt? I know they would certainly have to in other countries. It is all too often that immigrants accuse the authorities of being racist for their policies which favour whites (who after all, only make up 93% of the population) can't cater for everyone, it's as simple as that.

Britain is far more lenient than most other countries on immigration policy. For example; in New Zealand, to immigrate into the country, you must have : a) a job waiting for you b) a certain amount of money in your bank account c) family ties in that country. How many British immigrants do you think would fulfill that criteria?

Think a bit before you label something you are scared of, it's not that difficult to at least consider it before you just make underhand insults. I hope some of you go out into the real world one day & then maybe you will see what life is like. Leave your middle class white homes & walk the streets of some ares i have lived in & been to & i doubt your views would be the same. Grow up there & experience the lives of people who are there & then maybe you would see why people think this way.


Relevance of "Inter -Racial"

28.04.2006 10:51

Lies , damn lies and statistics . Your figures are meaningless . If a human being is killed , it is of no relevance whether the crime is inter racial . it is the killing which is wrong not the race of the murderer . It would be wrong to attribute Peter Sutcliff's evil to his race . It would be wrong to attribiute Fred West's evil to his race .If you insist on going down this ugly road , at least be honest , and quote actual figures .How many Blacks have committed murder . How many Asians have committed murder . How many whites have committed murder ? forget about the inter racial nonsense and you'll find there's good and bad in all races and in all people within all races .
You will not succeed in infiltrating the minds of the majority , because believe it or not , there are communities where there IS trust . There are communities where people appreciate our differences and recognise our frailties and nurture and look after each other . Look at history and you will see that people who are anti human in any sense , inevitably have real issues about self worth .
God help us all .

harpreet singh
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