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NF March to celebrate Hitler's birthday

Jack | 29.03.2002 00:26

The National Front march in Bermondsey to celebrate Hitler's birthday provides ammunition to attack all nationalists and discredit the cause.

As a nationalist I'm horrified by the National Front's plan to march in Bermondsey to celebrate the birthday of Adolf Hitler. It's fair to say that the NF suffers from many many crackpots in its ranks and does a fairly big discredit to the entire nationalist cause by championing crackpot marches to celebrate the birthday of someone that very few people in this country would admire.

The policy of the NF to stage public marches with a few of their own very visible thugs attempting in some cases to intimidate ethnic minorities is entirely counterproductive and prooves that most are just thrill seekers.

I've said it before, I'll say it again, the legitimate nationalists have no beef with the minorities themselves, rather it's the politicians that we have the disagreement with, those who are condeming us (and the minorities) to an unstable and grim future.

Groups such as the National Front, now on the lunatic fringe of the nationalist movement, do more to discredit genuine democratic nationalists than anyone. In fact, there are rumours to suggest that certain lunatic groups such as Combat18 were instigated by the government as a method of preventing inevitable electoral gains by the BNP.

Just as the SWP/ANaL are the lunatic fringe of the left, full of ranting, aversion to sensible debate and violence; the NF and C18 are the lunatic fringe of the nationalist cause.

SWP/ANaL and the NF do a discredit to both sides of the debate, then again of course this all fits in with the general plan to give us dictatorships of the "centre-ground".

Any thoughts?



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Fuck you you fascist scumbag

29.03.2002 01:11

comment title says it all...
This post should be hidden


Nationalists are simply mistaken

29.03.2002 01:20

As a Jew married to a Hindu, I can honestly say I can't find anything offensive about Jack's post. There are plenty of people who feel nationalistic and in a sense it's not such a bad thing. A nation is a community and as such you want to make sure everyone in that community in safe and well cared for. Nationalism has been the driving force behind a lot of left-wing movements, from Palestine to Cuba, and has mobilised anti-imperialist struggles throughout the world. In my mind, it can be a means to an end, if the end is socialism. If it is an end in itself, if it's just about parochialism and conformity, then it's a dead-end. Moreover, if it's about persecuting minorities, then it is fascism and must be opposed tooth and nail. I don't know where Jack is coming from - perhaps he doesn't know himself. But at least he's not celebrating the birthday of Adolf Hitler.

Dan Brett
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29.03.2002 01:22


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