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Terror attack on Israel

Getn | 28.03.2002 12:10

Again, we can see the Palestine fight for independent.

Terror attack on Israel
Terror attack on Israel



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dreadful photo...

28.03.2002 12:40

definitely a reminder of how terrible now the conflict in Palestine is.

a Triffid

Another century, another hotel

28.03.2002 13:53

Awful, of course. But remember that we rarely see pictures like this when Palestinians are shot or bombed by the Israel 'Defence' Force.
Incidentally, 91 people died when the King David Hotel in Jerusalem was bombed by the Irgun in July 1946.


the cynic

28.03.2002 21:27

Palestinian attacks on israeli civilians are just as bad as israeli attacks on palestinian civilians. i have to say the head in thsi photo looks fake. is it?


Who is the victim

28.03.2002 21:37

Israel could have peace now by withdrawal and allowing refugees to return to their homes. But rather than this they choose to stay at war with the arabs. I say "Stop all violence now"!


the head is real

28.03.2002 23:10

the head in photo is the bomber himself, I have another photo of a different aftermath, that is the reality of what happen the head blows clear away from the body with little disfiguration. Has anyone noted that the news never counts the bomber as one of the dead. ie x Isreals died in x bomb etc.


a preivous bombing

28.03.2002 23:19

a preivous bombing
a preivous bombing


a prevous bombing

28.03.2002 23:25

a prevous bombing
a prevous bombing

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Who is Arafat

29.03.2002 09:44

Have you ever listened to Arafat talking to his people?
All he talks about is blood and “holy war”. There is never anything about peace to them!


and for the IDF and US terrorist

29.03.2002 11:33

Phone your MP's and pressure them to the palestian cause

The palestinians have nothing left but their lives in the fight against occupation

If you are fed up with the pick and mix attitude of our government with UN resolutions, then start making a noise.

No one can say isreal is not to blame, with the continued occupation, destrustion of houses to make way to more occupying forces.

nothing but a complete withdrawl from the west bank and gaza will do, and documents relating to Britain ending it's protection of the people who lived in the area prior to the creation of isreal should be released. Britain created this mess by been blackmailed by the americans in the 40's

The attack on ramallah, and the possible assisination by the IDF of arafat, must be met by international reaction, in an unbiased manner, perhaps banning america from any such talks (supplier of weapons to isreal for terrorism).

hopefully there will be massive demonstrations in the UK in support of the occupied peoples.

c j c