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Scripting Gulf War II, the Sequel

jonathan | 28.03.2002 08:50


Scripting Gulf War II, the Sequel

'' Rep. John Spratt, D-York, who was also on the panel, expressed surprise and said Vice President Dick Cheney had not received the support from Saudi Arabia on his recent visit to the Middle East that would provide the land base needed for such a campaign.

"I'm not sure we want to launch it off carrier decks," Spratt said.

Spratt said the previous President Bush launched a land war in 1991 against Iraq after months of negotiations that achieved the backing of the United Nations and key allies in the region.

Once such a multilateral approach has been used, it's difficult to act unilaterally, Spratt said.

[U.S. Rep. Lindsey] Graham responded that he believed Turkey would provide bases.

Afterward, Graham said the United States didn't need a large international alliance, but the support of key allies.

"We will have those allies - they will be there with us," he said.

After the event, Spratt said he supports the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, but felt the international conditions make action unlikely by fall:

• The war in Afghanistan continues. The Taliban have been thrown out of power; the political conditions remain precarious.

• The conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians is raging, and conditions could be worsened by war against Iraq.

• The lack of a land base from which to launch a ground offensive complicates things. "You've got to put troops in there. They have to have armor. You don't want light troops."

"I would be surprised if it was the next order of business with the Bush administration," Spratt said. "It becomes a matter of priorities and practicalities." ''

- S.C. - The State

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And here's what to do about it!

28.03.2002 17:30

If you actually want to help STOP the coming war against Iraq, here's what to do:

Turn up @ 1pm this Saturday (30 March) on Grosvenor Square for an autonomous protest-cum-picnic for peace against the so-called War on Terror. There will be food, drink, music, speeches (not Tony Benn!) and lots more. This event has been organised by D.A.A.W.N (Direct Action Against the War Now), an non-hierarchical network of autonomous activists. There will also be a CND/Stop the War Coalition rally taking place from Speaker's Corner at 12 noon.

"You pays your money and you takes your choice." (Aldous Huxley.)
