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Oil wars obsolete

dh | 27.03.2002 23:49

Hidden behind the walls of national security is a whole new technology, that's been around for a century, which offers freedom from our oil-centred limited resource. The agenda denies us access in order to keep us enslaved. But it's bubbling to the surface.



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Manipluation of free energy

28.03.2002 15:43

tell us about it!



28.03.2002 18:45

Whaddya mean? Did you click the link at the bottom?


Educate yourself

28.03.2002 22:50

Scallor Vectoring brought down the Twin Towers. Microwave technologies trigger the earthquakes and volcanoes and HAARP combined with chemtrails causes severe droughts, cyclones, tornadoes or floods, electromagnetism powers vehicles and people into worm-holes for instant space/time travel, mind-control subjects shoot-up schools and we are left to grapple with the destruction death and misery in the wake of this advanced warfare. Technology is 150 years ahead of what we are told and being used for evil, which beggars belief. If you don't know this, you have not wakened up to the New World Order. You will!

Get a Grip

Cheers Get a Grip

28.03.2002 23:16

I talk lightly and carefully to the radicals here. Thanks for your succinct comments.How do you get past the universal upbringing to assert true self-education? you can only attempt to point people in the right direction. Nothing is true after all.


Truth is Truth

29.03.2002 10:04

dh - I'm tired of pussy-footing around, to protect the spoon-fed masses from facts they may find disturbing. Say it like it is. You want proof? Find it yourselves....

Isn't it just a tad coincidental that Afghanistan has been afflicted by drought, wars and now another earthquake, when the west wants to weaken it for oil extraction and opium production?

Get a grip

tell us about it

29.03.2002 11:35

The site is meaningless - all assertion and no evidence. Longitudinal electromgnetic waves? Perhaps the gentleman would like to give us some mathematical description, or describe some empirical evidence.

The site referred to bears as much resemblance to the physical sciences as the Flat Earth Society. And you can find websites fot that too. Remember one thing about Internet sites - they are not peer reviewed.


Proof will out

30.03.2002 01:16

I thought you might be just a pisstaker, Get a Grip - nice to know you're ok . The promised production of the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator by next year as promised will provide, or not, the proof of this kind of technology
