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Monopolise Mayday

West London Aanarchists & Radicals | 26.03.2002 12:57

A critique of the Globalise Resistance attempt to Monopolise Mayday and push a reformist agenda.

Monopolise Mayday

Globalise Resistance - which styles itself as the anti-capitalist movement, but has been dubbed by others ‘Monopolise Resistance’ – has teamed up with the London May Day Organising Committee, which is linked to the Greater London Trades Union Council and South East Region TUC, to host an event called “United for Mayday”. The announcement from Globalise Resistance proudly boasted that: “This is also the first time a march will go to Trafalgar Square while Parliament is sitting. May Day is building up to be another incredible event.”

The London May Day Organising Committee was more honest: “Marches to Trafalgar Square are forbidden on days when Parliament is in session, under a Sessional Order dating from 1829. Despite this, the Mayor of London has made the Square available to us and the Metropolitan Police have agreed to the march, on the understanding that this does not set a precedent and that the march will be disciplined and orderly.”

Of course, Trafalgar Square is simply an empty space. If Globalise Resistance, the London May Day Organising Committee or anyone else wanted to hold a demonstration there they could simply do so without seeking ‘permission’. Numerous anti-capitalist events have been held in London and elsewhere, without the state being consulted.

Behind the Globalise Resistance bluff, what is planned is the usual boring march, taking much the same route as in 2000, followed by a rally at which the speakers “will include Tony Benn, Barry Camfield (T&G), Ruth Winters (FBU), Mark Serwotka (PCS), Diane Abbott MP plus other MPs. trade unionists, environmentalists and anti-capitalists [i.e. Guy ‘class traitor’ Taylor and other Globalise Resistance members].” Excitement indeed!

Having begged the state for permission, Globalise Resistance obviously have good reason to be grateful. But behind this ridiculous posturing lies the serious problem of the lack of a revolutionary critique of the state. We can not forget how last Mayday the state waged an unprecedented campaign against those anti-capitalists, revolutionaries and others who wanted to gather in central London to celebrate Mayday. The press was used to disseminate misinformation, lies, smears and threats. The cops made open threats of violence, whilst Lord Harris, the Labour peer and Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, called for the cops to shoot protesters. Mayor Livingstone, the enfant terrible of the labour camp (who Globalise Resistance and their parent SWP had supported in his election campaign), placed paid-for adverts in newspapers warning people to stay away. Even the Home Secretary and Blair got in on the act. On the day itself Globalise Resistance marched straight into the cops’ trap by turning up at Oxford Circus before the agreed time and then refused to push their way out. They were last heard threatening to sue! This year, rather than wait for the cops’ trap, Globalise Resistance has set one itself. Once people are in Trafalgar Square you can bet that they will only be able to leave on the cops’ terms.

We need to consider the nature and purpose of the “United for Mayday” alliance and question the nature of the “unity”. The minor trade union bureaucrats in the London May Day Organising Committee have for years organised a pointless and boring traditional march in London. Over the past two years they have lamented the attention given to anti-capitalist actions:
“If you read or watched the mainstream media you would have thought the only things going on were the protests of the “anti-capitalist coalition”. The coverage ranged from the death of civilisation as-we-know-it to sorting out your fashion statement as a WOMBLE or spikey. No attention was given at all to, what has been characterised as, the boring old trade union May Day March which went from Highbury Fields to Clerkenwell Green”.
(Statement of the Organiser of London May Day Organising Committee, carried in Voice of the Unions – see the similar article in The Morning Star 2/5/01)
For them the link up with Globalise Resistance offers a perceived route to credibility. The trade union and labour hierarchy, who for years paid at best lip service to Mayday, fears the growing militancy amongst some sections of the working class and the possibility of a genuine link up with anti-capitalists, which may lead to the adoption of the tactics of direct action and the rejection of sterile trade union and electoral politics. No doubt they have an eye on the local elections on May 2nd. They are backing “United for Mayday” as a safety valve.

Globalise Resistance also wants a safe alternative to openly defiant actions. Last year they discovered ‘anti-capitalism’ and joined the actions in Oxford Circus. However, the ‘illegal’ nature of the action obviously proved to be too much, so a safer form of protest had to be found. Globalise Resistance is, we should remember, a front for the Socialist Workers Party. In the guise of another front, the Socialist Alliance, they too will contest the elections on May 2nd. Last year the sigh of relief amongst Globalise Resistance/SWP activists when the election was postponed was all too apparent, but it will not happen this year. They cannot risk trouble on Mayday and present themselves as good bourgeois democrats the next day, particularly when they have real hopes of picking up a few council seats and being allowed to participate in the rationing of local services. At the same time however they must dress up their Mayday proposal as the radical alternative, to satisfy those who do not share their electoral ambitions. This explains the triumphalism about being allowed to use Trafalgar Square when Parliament is sitting. At a launch meeting (SOAS, 21/3/02) their speaker went as far as to claim that this proves the success of rioting (as though there was any rioting in Oxford Circus last year!). They are now busy proclaiming the support of every worker and trade unionist (watch out for the model resolutions!) and pretending that various strikes are planned.

The third party to this alliance is the state. The states interest is all too obvious. Last year, despite the huge campaign, the state failed to deter a significant minority from coming to central London. Since then we have witnessed Genoa, the uprising in Argentina, the war on Afghanistan and, in the run up to Mayday, preparations are in full swing for a renewed war against Iraq. This year, having sanctioned a demonstration in central London, in Trafalgar Square, the state will be use this to justify state violence against anyone who dares to defy the false unity and takes action elsewhere in London. However, anyone wanting to consider the risk of being in Trafalgar Square needs to look no further back than Mayday 2000, when large numbers of people were attacked by the cops. As last year’s Mayday Monopoly Game Guide warned: “Remember this is their territory, the place they want us!”


West London Aanarchists & Radicals
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Hide the following 15 comments


26.03.2002 13:37

The mayday protest is not the exact thing that I would organise either. Schnews conclusion is, Ken Livingston style, to warn people off the march in case there is trouble. Far better be safe and watch it on telly

Bollocks. Anyone remember mayday 2000?? The flashpoint was where the 'anti-capitalists' tried to get up Whitehall to join the Trade Union march. (Schnold dismiss this as boring, but when I got to the march, I saw loads of people, and it was a good mix, all ages, nationalities, made our anti-capitalist thing look pretty sliced bread).

Stay at home, schnews, you won't be missed since all you do is carp. There is a real chance of unity here, if you don't like the organisers, well make it your own. don't stay at home like a bunch of bitter old spliff-heads would like you to.



26.03.2002 14:14

"Stay at home, schnews, you won't be missed since all you do is carp"

Apart from the fact that the original posting wasn't from Schnews as far as I could see, I think this is a pretty rich comment about a direct action newsletter that's being going for years.

But it doesn't surprise me. The direct action/anti-capitalist movement was dismissed for years by the SWP - including June 18th, far too 'confrontational' - until they noticed something was happening in Seattle and decided to 'lead' it. That involved being nice to us for about six months then very quickly became speaking on behalf of the direct action movement through their globalise resistance front and using any excuse to tone things down, not do illegal actions that might piss off Labour Party supporters and try to change the direct action movement into a mechanism for recruiting labour people to the SWP. Now anyone who doesn't want to go to some pro-Labour, allowed-by-the-state, policed and stewarded by people who have the state inside their head, election rally / paper selling opportunity are splitters and wreckers who 'just carp'.

Revolutionary change isn't stopped by the police and the state and the army. It's stopped because the people who need it, us, let the people who don't, union bosses and lefty politicians, run things.

Let's not eh?


Oh really....

26.03.2002 14:20

I didn't see schnews advocating avoidance of London for this years Mayday, just avoidance of state sanctioned SWP/Patronise resistance protest spots.

Remember last year's SWP fuckup at Oxford circus? I do.

Try READING the article and not skimming it. -And no, i don't work for Schnews.


United for Mayday

26.03.2002 14:51

I personally, don't know what all the fuss is about.

Huge protests have taken place in the last fortnight.

In Barcelona, 500,000 people marched against capitalism.

In Italy 3 million marched.

We need to bring the anti-capitalist mood of Seattle, Genoa and Europe to Britain. To bring all the different strands of the movement together to fight the common enemy.

I think it's great that the centuries old tradition of May Day being a day for workers is being ressurected.

I think it's great that the trade unions are marching.

However, I personally, won't be attending that march.

I see no reason why anarchists can't celebrate in the usual fashion, and Globalise Resistance and the Trade Unions do their thing: We can attack the system on a number of different fronts.

I am worried, though, that the anarchist approach to May Day is limited.

They just seem to want to repeat last year. Without realising how dramatically the political scene has changed. This pretend "confrontration" with the system will just get boring unless we expand the movement, and our horizons.

We mustn't forget that the W.O.M.B.L.E.S have split, because half of them supported the war.

On May Day their should be wildcat strikes across the country, and Direct Action against the War, capitalism, and Imperialism on the streets of London.


Schnews or not, it's still bollocks

26.03.2002 17:02

The link at the end of the article is schnews, which is why I assumed the connection. Is it schnews or is it not? My comments were directed against the article, I don’t know much about schnews, apologies to schnews if these are not their views.

Still hold that the article is pathetic. To get it clear, I’m a member of no group, I will get involved with activism with anyone if I agree with their aims. I have reservations about GR and the SWP, and bigger reservations about people who spend so much time and energy trying to discredit them.

The article on the one hand claims that: “what is planned is the usual boring march” and on the other: “anyone wanting to consider the risk of being in Trafalgar Square needs to look no further back than Mayday 2000, when large numbers of people were attacked by the cops”.

The article also dismisses trade unionists as “pointless and boring”. Anyone who saw the mayday 2000 trade union march would know how wrong that is. Trade union bureaucrats are not the same as trade union members. One of the most powerful things about Seattle and Genoa was that anti-capitalists and trade unionists marched and fought together. There is a strong case to be made that this is what the state is afraid of.

In 2000, the anti capitalists (me included) tried to join the trade unionists, and this is when the police attacked. 2002 won’t be perfect, no march ever is, but we have an opportunity here.

The article offers no alternative, just slags off an opportunity, which is why it is cynical old bollocks.


reality check

26.03.2002 17:11

let's get a few things straight - if anarchos or anyone else wants to do illegal actions then who can stop them ? - no one is trying to monopolise anything.

We need a legal march, because several groups like immigrants, PKK etc cannot participate in an illegal event, and I for one want people like that there.

If you take illegal action it is no more radical in this context than a 'legal' one, I'm afraid the revolution won't start on may 2nd.

We want a demo on the scale of the 3 million that just marched in Rome, now I know it won't be that big! But getting the backing of several Unions means that numbers will be mobilised, and I for one find mobilising thousands of people to begin to question and organise against the system far more radical and democratic than the actions of a self-selected elite few.

for diversity and unity.


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Boring Boring Boring

26.03.2002 17:26

A Mayday march to Trafalgar Square?ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Worker Against Work

Clap now!

26.03.2002 17:29

May I urge all my fellow anarchists to join the OFFICIAL MAYDAY DEMONSTRATION taking place in Trafalgar Square. Maybe we could share a joint or two together there.

Brian, the Commander

Mayday : a day for direct action

26.03.2002 17:41

West London Anarchists'critique of the proposed state santioned mayday event organised by the Trade Union bureaucrats and GR is a good one. This event must be openly criticised for being organised in conjunction with the state authorities. What the (genuine)anti-capitalist movement has shown to people over the last few years is that we can hold our own protests on our own terms! If the protest is to be truly revolutionary and challenge the authority of the state and capital -and hence show to a wider auidience that we are serious about the overthrow of capitalism- then we should not go cap in hand to the authorities to seek their approval!!!!! I would thus urge anyone who is truly serious about revolutionary politics to denounce the union/GR protest -and if you are a member of GR/SWP to reconsider the folly of your 'protest'- and join the genuine revolutionary direct action protests in Mayfair etc.
This is not to suggest that we should ignore workers' protest -far from it. But to adopt an illusory vision that the trade union bureaucrats are anti-capitalist and will draw their members into the anti-capitalist movement is wishfull thinking. Workers' can only become part of this movement by acting autonomously. And the direct action of mayday -like that of Genoa, Barcelona etc, should serve to inspire radical workers to become part of this culture of militant action which is emerging around them.

nameless anti-capitalist

"unity at any cost..."- NO THANKS!

26.03.2002 19:19

It seems that some people aren't aware of what Mayday is really about... Mayday is about freedom! About the right we have today to work 8 hours! And about our continuous struggle to abolish wage slavery... to abolish capitalism and to wipe any authoritarian system from the face of the earth! A lot of people were imprisoned, tortured and even died in this struggle. And we 'll honour their memory by continuing fighting! And fighting means: NO COMPROMISE! NO RETREAT! Thus no united front with any kind of self-declared labour and socialist leaders! What else shall we hear next???? to unite with the police? The fact that this moment our numbers and coordination aren't adequate to hold a general strike and to abolish all the sold out unions, doesn't mean that we 'll cooperate with parasites like the SWP, whose only interest is in manipulating social movements for their own ends so as to recruit members to their party - witness the setting up of front organisations like the Anti-Nazi League and Globalise Resistance.

I advise all the people who are manipulated and cheated by the "professional revolutionary" parties/organisations/unions to take a look at this site about the real origins of Mayday:


August Spies

The WOMBLES and war!!!

26.03.2002 19:23

Well tickle my arse with a feather!!!

"The WOMBLES have split because half of them supported the war?" Uncle Soweto is extremely bemused as,(1) he had not realised that his clan had split, and (2) he has yet to meet a member of the clan who supports the killing of innocent working class people in poor countries by that bloodthirsty Uncle Sam and his best mate Ronald McDonald!

However, Uncle Soweto notes that there are many rumours about the clan, and wonders if maybe there is another secret new WOMBLES clan on the scene. Maybe that is where those funny weasels from the Observer got those laughable quotes for the start of their annual "villainise the WOMBLES for the MET campaign", which kicked off last Sunday.
However, even these unknown WOMBLES didn't sound like they would be very keen on imperial wars. So maybe there are just lots of wild rumours flying about eh!!

Uncle Soweto hopes that people are beginning to think about padding and protection for themselves for the upcoming Mayday festivities.

Love and Rage


Uncle Soweto
mail e-mail:

More War!

27.03.2002 02:41

"The WOMBLES split because half of them supported the war". What a load of fucking bollocks! None of them supported the war!!! The only person who did was a stupid arsehole called Peter Cadogan, who has never been to any wombles meeting, any womble action, or even spoken to a womble! He is a Stalinist tosser who used to subscribe to the maydaywhiteoveralls egroup, has friends in MI6 and loevs press attention, hence his statement to a torygraph pal of his that the wombles split (i.e. the warmongering fuckwit was told to piss off).



27.03.2002 14:55

Whats revolutionary about a festival of the dead or a game of football?

Central committe

Peter Cadogan

27.03.2002 21:22

I knew that bit about the wombles was wrong. The information was probably from a mate in the SWP. As for Cadogan - keep your eyes peeled for an expose of him I'm getting ready: dodgy connections with fascists, articles for fascist magazines and debates with well known fascist speakers. Watch out for him - he's a fuckin dodgy geezer.



27.03.2002 23:10

Nuts! When I saw Cadogans name on the subjects list, I thought I was about to read an obituary. Never mind. One day eh?
Don't forget his friendly dealings with state spooks. Only the very guillable among anarchists could still imagine this man has anything to offer.
