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Perú: Revolutionary greetings !

La Comunista | 23.03.2002 09:11

Fight the imperialism !

Perú: Revolutionary greetings !
Perú: Revolutionary greetings !

There have been protests in Lima over the Bush visit

A car bomb near the United States embassy in the Peruvian capital, Lima, has killed at least seven people and wounded many others, police say.
The explosion comes three days before a visit by US President George W Bush.

The blast happened at about 2245 (0345 GMT Thursday), outside a shopping centre, in an area with popular late-night restaurants and cinemas.

La Comunista


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So Whats Next?

23.03.2002 11:32

Oh deary me, are we in some type of revolutionary time warp? First it was the Red Brigades, now this - whats next, a new RAF action?
