Come to The Hague for Resistance is Fertile
Resistance is Fertile! | 20.03.2002 17:04
Resisitance is Fertile!
Action, Discussion and Festivities beside and beyond the UN Biodiversity
Summit. April 8-19 2002. The Hague, The Netherlands
Action, Discussion and Festivities beside and beyond the UN Biodiversity
Summit. April 8-19 2002. The Hague, The Netherlands
In April 2002, the UN circus of government delegates, technical experts and
business lobbyists will be contemplating the state of the world's
biodiversity resources over hors d'oeuvres - COP6 of the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD).
Meanwhile corporations continue unabated - cutting down forests, emptying
the seas, force-feeding us GMO crops and then suing farmers when those crops
contaminate the countryside.
After years of negotiations, the CBD will soon have two legally binding
international protocols, the Biosafety Protocol and "The Law of the Seed."
Neither has the power to stop the spread of GMOs, protect farmers rights or
stop finite resources being plundered for profit - once again demonstrating
the UN's lack of political will and power.
Fortunately another reality is possible! During these weeks other voices
will be raised, other possibilities will be realised. Voices that call out
for radical change in agriculture and international trade, for reclaiming
our genetic resources (free the seed!), against GMOs and patents on life and
against the corporate control of food and agriculture.
Includes actions around the International Day of Farmers' Struggles, April
Location RIF Social Center:
Waldeck Pyrmontkade 116, Den Haag (Tram 10 'Statenkwartier' from Den Haag
Central Station or Den Haag Holland Spoor. Ask the driver where to get out.
Tel: (+31) (0)20-6682236 (ASEED) for help or more info, or mail
All day and every day:
Delicious food by Rampenplan
Make your own media in the socia-media center
Infotransportbike, info-point and streetradio
Sweating and sowing in the new community garden!
Painting banners and making other action materials
Infostand inside the Conference Center
Walks on the beach (15 min by tram)
Sunday 7: arrival
Monday 8:
11.30 Opening of community guerrilla garden with picnic and workshop about
organic agriculture
16.00 Collecting in Social Center
Tuesday 9:
from 10.00: Workshops and preparations rest of the week
from 10.00: infostand inside Conference Center
Woensdag/Wednesday 10:
11.00: Workshop: 'Feeding the Hungry Multinationals' - biotech and the
globalisation of agriculture, by Ricarda Steinbrecher, UK
15.00: Workshop: Access and Benefit Sharing of genetic resources, by Lorenzo
Muellas Huerta uit Colombia
All day: preparation bikedemonstration Thursday
Thursday 11:
All day: Bikedemonstration! (start on Spui square at noon)
With: music, theater, speakers. Goes by interesting locations in and around
The Hague. Duration: appr. 3 hours
16.00: Presentation of the Court of Eden - large living genebank - from
Utrecht (in the garden); concrete example of biodiversity-conservation
Evening: joint dinner in our building
Friday 12:
11.00 Workshop: Agro-ecology - socially and environmentally oriented
agriculture. By: Fernando Garcia van 'Baja el Asfalto esta la Huerta',
17.00 Workshop: New rules in the EU, the EU-US conflict. By Juan Lopez van
Friends of the Earth Europe
20.00: Plenary Meeting
22.00: Benefitparty in the Blauwe! For Rene Riesel, French anti-GE activist.
With a.o. the Boerensyndicaat (Farmers'Syndicat, band) (Dordrecht), DJ's
Farmer Frankie and Korny Kevin.
Saturday 13:
All day from 11.00: Start of 'Common Ground'. See elsewhere for more info.
12.00 Workshop: the Biosafety Protocol; what does it mean for the South? By
Third World Network
13.00: Supermarket Actions!
16.00: Worshop: Herbal Medicine (in the Garden)
21.00 Theater by Boerengroep from Wageningen
Sunday 14:
All day from 10.00: Common Ground
All day from 10.00: Event organised by Third World Network about a.o.
All day from 10.00: preparation for 17 April Actionday
11.00: Workshop: Biowarfare. By Susana Pimiento en Edward Hammond van het
Sunshine Project, US.
20.00: Plenary Meeting
Monday 15:
11.00: Worshop: Action techniques for anti-GE actions. By: Rowan Tilly of
Genetix Snowball, UK, and others
17.00: Workshop: GE and animals. By: Herman van Wietmarschen, NoGen, NL
All day from 10.00: preparation for 17 April Actionday
Tuesday 16:
11.00: Workshop: Biodiversity and Climate. GE Trees and 'Carbon Credits' and
other fairy tales.
With: Rod Harbinson, Ricarda Steinbrecher, Rising Tide
All day from 10.00: preparation for 17 April Actionday
Wednesday 17: International Day of Farmers' Struggles.
All day in and outside The Hague
Thursday 18:
Relax in the garden or on the beach
16.00: what next? World Food Summit, Rio +10 and other things...
Resistance is Fertile!