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Castor-Transport (high active nuklear waste) from Germany

Kaept'n Baer | 20.03.2002 03:28

A Castor-Transport to Windscale (Sellafield) from Northern Germany nuklear power plant Kruemmel will start today or tomorow.

Castor-Transport (high active nuklear waste) from Germany
Castor-Transport (high active nuklear waste) from Germany

There are three NTL 11 Container with high active nukleare waste in Starting from Kruemmel (Schleswig Holstein/ northern Germany) and some from another german power Plant to sellafield (former Windscale).
News can be find on the link.
Its the translated version of the related German IMC-Page.
The translation is funny (You'll understand it although)
The content is very serious!
The container causes cancer.
Every of those trains was attended by Protests and direkt actions and so'll this.
(beg your pardon for my poor english :-)

Kaept'n Baer
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