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Economist Marco Biagi murdered in Bologna

IMC Italy | 20.03.2002 01:39

Economist Marco Biagi murdered in Bologna

Tonight, around 9 p.m., Marco Biagi, economist and collaborator of the
labour minister, was murdered in Bologna. According to the first
investigations, two men shot him dead in front of his home.
Biagi was collaborating with the government on a revision of the article 18
of the "Statuto dei lavoratori", a part of the workers act which regulate
dismissing. This article aroused a strong debate in the whole country, and
in fact the largest union, CGIL, has called for a general strike and a
demonstration in Rome the next saturday (march 23rd); around 1.000.000
people were expected to take part to it.
In the mean time, the italian government officials and their parties are
already talking of a fresh outbrake of terrorism, accusing the so-called
no-globals, unions and left parties of holding a part of the responsability
in the murder because of the intensification of the protests against the
government's labour politics.

IMC Italy


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Politically motivated murder

20.03.2002 03:19

Both Luca Casarini, spokesman for the Tute Bianche (White overalls – now known as I disobbedienti – the disobbedients) and the leader for Italy Social Forum, Vittorio Agnoletto, are not in doubt that this is a political killing. They both point to a coming big demonstration 23. march and a generalstrike the 5th april as possible motives for the killing. The demonstration is against proposed reforms that would further undermine workers rights, and the strike is against the rightwing Berlusconi regime.

Casarini doesn’t have doubts: ”those behind the killing is someone who didn’t want the demonstration to take place the 23.” Regarding who did it, Casarini replies: “the only conclusion to be reached is that this is a killing by the state.” According to Casarini, what has to be done now is “to mobilize big for the demo the 23. (…) and fight even harder against the south-american regime [in Italy], fight for democracy, for the right to strike, and against those who try to put a lid on todays existing social conflicts in Italy.”

The leader for Italy social Forum, Vittorio Agnoletto, said this about the killing of Marco Biagi: The purpose [of the killing] is to stop the mobilisations that are growing every day all over the country as we are counting down to the demonstration the 23. and the general strike against the Berlusconi government. The movement must not retreat not even a millimetre in its mobilisations and initiatives: the presence of a strong movement of workers and youth in the streets is the best weapon to defend democracy. The declarations of Berlusconi and D’Amato, that try to show a connection between the mobilisations and the killing of Biagi, shows clearly who it is that stands to benefit from this.”

The italian labour union Cobas said about the killing that “This terrorist act a few days before the demonstration the 23. march is, whoever may be behind it, an attack on the workers movement, freedom of speech, the right to strike and workers rights.”





State terror

20.03.2002 03:26

In Italian history, a few decades ago, the state and its ruling class already created "terrorist" groups and manipulated right-wings individuals to kill and then they accused some "leftists" through their controlled medias.
The truth went out but... sorry it was too late and not loud enough. And right now they will try again to kill the revolutionnary and fighting attitude. And one knows the extent to which the media is controlled in Italy...
The totalitarian and fascist reaction is becoming more and more explicit.
Berlusconi, Fini, Bossi, and all the other capitalist-neo-fascists-mafioso...are all unlimited liars and thieves, in the great tradition of Craxi (this 'great stateman' former president and former leader of the socialist party was very corrupted and was forced to leave the scene when popular pressure was too high) and Andreotti (former president of the counsil, accused of collusion with Mafia, assassination etc.) and all the thousands of others (local and national politicians, media owners, businessmen, public administrators, cops...).
But the new statemen are more dangerous than the olders, and they have more power cause they have a global control over information.

The hundreds of thousands of people who went in the street have to keep going on, more and more, louder and louder. Brothers and sisters, let's fight hard! No more state criminals! Basta!

bella ciao

Queries to Italian comrades

20.03.2002 21:40

It certainly looks like a state/ rightist killing; wasn't Bologna where the station bombs killed dozens in the seventies? How does this tie in with the state of emergency?
