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Greg Tucker

FT of all places | 19.03.2002 17:38

Lawyers for Greg Tucker, the former train driver whose demotion to ticket inspector led to strike action at SW Trains earlier this year

Told an industrial tribunal yesterday that he suffered discriminatory treatment...
The incidents occurred after mr Tucker returned to work after standing as a left wing Socialist Alliance party candidate in last years General election.

FT of all places


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19.03.2002 18:54

so...Mr Tucker wanted his boot in the door of the place that controls us all eh? He wanted himself and his party members'in charge'at the end of the day? Fuck him and fuck the socialists.

There is no authority but your SELF.



19.03.2002 19:36

Well, Anarchistic, (or should that be "Anachronistic ?")
Greg is one of the few left wingers ive met, anarchist or socialist, who can listen to your points, disagree and still be decent to you the next day. Hes genuine in my opinion, has put his job on the line fighting for socialism, and you should be supporting HIM against the railtrack company. Just hope that when YOU get banged up or victimised for making a stand against capitalism, someone comes to YOUR aid rather than spouting stupid sub-maxims lke you do.
While we can agree the LSA is a bit floppy, what do you expect the non-activist population to do unless they have an electoral alternative apart from New Labour, Tory Labour, Dull Labour and Anne Widdecombe ?