The Missing Plane saga continues:
Rich | 17.03.2002 20:18
There is no evidence to support the official story of a giant airliner crashing into the Pentagon on Sept 11th. New evidence taken from pictures of the explosion has provided crucial information. When CNN showed the 5 picture sequence of the "crash," of Flight 77, nothing could be seen except for a giant explosion. No visible aircraft could be seen, and the entire plane virtually vanished into smoke and pieces.
There is no evidence to support the official story of a giant airliner crashing into the Pentagon on Sept 11th. New evidence taken from pictures of the explosion has provided crucial information. When CNN showed the 5 picture sequence of the "crash," of Flight 77, nothing could be seen except for a giant explosion. No visible aircraft could be seen, and the entire plane virtually vanished into smoke and pieces.
You may have seen this URL:
At first, I thought this story was deliberate disinformation. I was wrong, and this cover-up could possibly be the biggest hoax in world history.
I can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Pentagon incident is not what it appears to be. Simply put, when comparing the two pictures in the links given below - there is a MAJOR problem. The SHADOW of the "debris," or wreckage that can be viewed at:, does not correspond with the shadow in this link: The first picture shows a very short shadow, and the second shows a very tall shadow.
All this talk about the "shadow government," should be focused on the shadows in these two pictures because they reveal something very important - there was no debris or wreckage. The saying goes, "the lower the sun, the taller your shadow." This is an incredibly important picture because of the tall shadow being cast in front of the orange cones. The picture shows the shadow in front of the cones as it should be - tall. But when compared to the other picture that was pasted on the cover of almost every major news publication in the country, one can clearly see the obvious difference in the height of the two shadows. This link shows the ONLY "debris," from the entire so-called plane crash. But there is a major discrepancy - WHY is the shadow on the lawn so much shorter than the shadow being cast in the msnbc link? The very short shadow suggests that it is high noon or later, but the sun tells us a different story. It was much earlier in the morning. Nobody knows the exact time the ( picture was taken, but by taking a look at the sun in the top left hand corner, it's not hard to tell that the time this was taken is nowhere near noon, because the sun is at such a low altitude/angle.
If you right click on the picture and set it as your background wallpaper on your desktop - and then expand the picture to a full size image, it is completely obvious that the "debris," laying on the lawn had been DIGITALLY PASTED. Also, a circular outline of the sun can be seen rising from the top wall of the Pentagon, which means it is still early in the morning, and nowhere near noon. If it was noon, there would not be a bright white light in the top left hand corner. The sun would be well above the Pentagon walls and would not be visible in the picture. The picture of the sun is very important, because when looking at the msnbc link, the camera lens just so happens to be smeared in the top left hand corner.....and at the end of the 5 picture sequence, the sun is nowhere to be seen. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so why on earth would the msnbc pictures show the sun setting? At the end of the sequence, there is no light shining from the top of the Pentagon. But at the beginning of the picture cycle, the sun can clearly be seen shining above the Pentagon. The digitally altered picture was taken anywhere from between 10:00 and 10:30 a.m. at the very latest - and you can tell this because the sun (a very bright white light) can be seen directly over the top of the Pentagon in the upper left hand side. Why is the shadow from the "debris," so short when it should be tall at this time of day?
I hope this can shed some light (pun intended) on this issue
You may have seen this URL:

At first, I thought this story was deliberate disinformation. I was wrong, and this cover-up could possibly be the biggest hoax in world history.
I can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Pentagon incident is not what it appears to be. Simply put, when comparing the two pictures in the links given below - there is a MAJOR problem. The SHADOW of the "debris," or wreckage that can be viewed at:

All this talk about the "shadow government," should be focused on the shadows in these two pictures because they reveal something very important - there was no debris or wreckage. The saying goes, "the lower the sun, the taller your shadow."

If you right click on the picture and set it as your background wallpaper on your desktop - and then expand the picture to a full size image, it is completely obvious that the "debris," laying on the lawn had been DIGITALLY PASTED. Also, a circular outline of the sun can be seen rising from the top wall of the Pentagon, which means it is still early in the morning, and nowhere near noon. If it was noon, there would not be a bright white light in the top left hand corner. The sun would be well above the Pentagon walls and would not be visible in the picture. The picture of the sun is very important, because when looking at the msnbc link, the camera lens just so happens to be smeared in the top left hand corner.....and at the end of the 5 picture sequence, the sun is nowhere to be seen. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so why on earth would the msnbc pictures show the sun setting? At the end of the sequence, there is no light shining from the top of the Pentagon. But at the beginning of the picture cycle, the sun can clearly be seen shining above the Pentagon. The digitally altered picture was taken anywhere from between 10:00 and 10:30 a.m. at the very latest - and you can tell this because the sun (a very bright white light) can be seen directly over the top of the Pentagon in the upper left hand side. Why is the shadow from the "debris," so short when it should be tall at this time of day?
I hope this can shed some light (pun intended) on this issue