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Complain to Corporate media

rikki | 17.03.2002 13:07

Complain about coverage of Barcelona that you've seen - evry complaint helps

Last night's ITV and BBC news both focussed on violence of demonstrators, didn't mention the size of peaceful protest, and didn't cover any of the issues that so many people were demonstrating about. I foned up immediately to complain about this extreme bias.

Today's Observer did mention a figure of 250,000 peaceful demonstrators and about 200 violent, but accompanied the piece with large photos of violence and again didn't cover issues or police intimidation. I emailed the editor.

Please everyone take the trouble to complain - show that there are huge numbers of people that would support more accurate reporting. This is a small action that we can all take - every little bit helps.

for Peace



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go for it

17.03.2002 16:05

...if you enjoy pissin' in the wind...



17.03.2002 16:28

we all support in out own way, go for it and too bloody right - complain. what ever good it does, if it gives you a chin up:-) great.

We know what to expect from the corps (didly squat)... but we have to support each other... and btw i'm not hippy attitudist - just think people can and should take action on whatever level is accessable for them.

my 2 pence worth

Corporate Media Lies Take the Piss!

17.03.2002 20:46

Has anyone read the hilarious "Anarchy reigns in Spain" article in Saturday's Daily Mail?

This article alleges that a "hardcore anarchist" organisation from the UK known as "Globalise Resistance" started a riot on Las Ramblas!

Apparently, the GR activists started chanting "one solution, revolution" and "resist, revolt, fuck capitalism", and then all hell broke loose . . .

In a sense, this is exactly what happened. Except that when the riot cops moved in, Globalise Resistance pegged it! Apparently the Trots have taken a vow of celibacy when it comes to fucking capitalism!

I would say "fuck the pigs", but that would be bestiality.

Anarchist Rioter