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Report 4 Bcn: 2 injured + 44 arrests

pocahontas | 16.03.2002 21:57

Reports of more arrests by Radio Catalunya and News Agency Parla

Radio Catalunya reports of:
40 arrests and 2 people injured

News agency Parla reports of:
4 more arrests

Parla reporters were followed by 15 men, all dressed in hoods, that trun out to be police men.

Near the police station Nou de la Rambla, the reprters along with 5 other young people were stopped,
in total the group was of 10 people.

Those who had on them propaganda or flyers from the demonstrations have been arrested: in total 4 people.

2 persons from Lleida
1 from Poble nou
1 unknown

the names of the arrested persons:

albert v.
jesús p.
lluis s.



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men in hoods

16.03.2002 22:30

that turn out to be policemen. They're at it again. Global fascism isn't some freaky rightwing concept. It's happening right now, right there.


thanks for the reports

16.03.2002 23:50

Thanks so much for the reports about no. of arrests etc. However I think we should be careful when publishing people's names - I appreciate only their Christian names were shown, usually it is more advisable not to publish them at all unless with their express consent.

Just a point. Thanks to all who are reporting, thanks to all who are there.

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