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Camy parker bowels | 15.03.2002 23:09


In reply to the previous bitter biased story concerning right wing highly respectable, pillar of society judge Basil McIvor, school governor of Lagan college allegedly integrated school. Stop your silly do gooder whinging, how dare lower class gutterscum ill bred peasant parents critisise such a distinguished man of good taste, breeding, genes and manners such as the persona of QC Basil McIvor. Let me tell you ingrates, that it is just such a person as QC Basil McIvor that protects the civillised refined people of good breeding, manners and the purest bloodstock from despicable low life working class guttersnipes such as the so called concerned parents of Lagan college. These so called concerned parents are merely rabble rousing bolsheviks who are attempting to hijack the concept of Integrated education in order to promote their own agenda of equality of educational provision for all, rebellion and revolution amongst underling protestant and catholic parents. Stop your shit stirring you worthless common lower class peasants, what peasants want is real life dynasty and dallas, a bit of glamour, sparkle and display of riches, and this is what precisely is given by QC Basil McIvor in his role as school governor. What the wanton offspring of such ill bred lower class non entities need is steely cold authority and strict discipline , these people need whipped into shape, something else QC Basil McIvor's dispenses too. As shown by his impressive tract record as hanging judge. I ask you, who would you like to live next door to, rabble rousing lower class bolsheviks, smelly immigrants or distinguished chums of QC Basil McIvor such as Vincent Mckenna, another pillar of society and head of the SAVE THE RUC campaign, a man of impeccably taste, manners and grooming, with an endearing respect of his betters and the authority of the RUC. It is beside the point that Vincent McKenna was a paedophille child molestor, a man with under such a high public profile as the founder of the SAVE THE RUC campaing is always under enormous strain and pressure. It is time ill bred lower class peasant non entities learn to bow their heads and tip their caps in the presence of their social superiors and betters such as the McIvor family dynasty. And no the McIvor families positions and status in society have got nothing to do with rampant nepotism, but the natural selection of nature, whereby the superior breeding, manners and genes of father Basil is passed down to his equally illustrious deserving son Johnathan. Will you please shut up about Basil's son Johnathan McIvor, the ex metropolitan policeman who headed the disastrous inquiry into the racist murder of insignificant socially inferior black teenager Stephen Lawrence, I'm sure as a Metropolitan policeman Johnathan McIvor had more important things to do than listen to the snivelling of grieving working class immigrant black parents. Leave QC Basil McIvor and his high socially attaining family alone, these people deserve their privilleged positions of authority and power, and they deserved to be looked up to by common underlyings like us and be admired for their superior breeding, taste, refinement and manners.

Camy parker bowels


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email to support nazi judge

15.03.2002 23:18

You can voice your protest at the slagging off of right wing nazi judge Basil McIvor by emailing

Rupert pipps-blobbage

Do it now for dear Basil and lovely Johnathan

15.03.2002 23:34

Make sure you let lagan college know you are 100% behind the nazi school policies of hanging judge Basil McIvor and that you fully sympathise with Basil's son Johnathan McIvor's having more important things to do when head of the metropolitan inquiry into the racist murder of black teenager stephen lawrence than pay attention to stephen's snivelling black parents.

Lady penelope snot hermon

Do it now for dear Basil and lovely Johnathan

15.03.2002 23:38

Make sure you let lagan college know you are 100% behind the nazi school policies of hanging judge Basil McIvor and that you fully sympathise with Basil's son Johnathan McIvor's having more important things to do when head of the metropolitan inquiry into the racist murder of black teenager stephen lawrence than pay attention to stephen's snivelling black parents.

Lady penelope snot hermon

Do it now for dear Basil and lovely Johnathan

15.03.2002 23:39

Make sure you let lagan college know you are 100% behind the nazi school policies of hanging judge Basil McIvor and that you fully sympathise with Basil's son Johnathan McIvor's having more important things to do when head of the metropolitan inquiry into the racist murder of black teenager stephen lawrence than pay attention to stephen's snivelling black parents.

Lady penelope snot hermon

....Fuck Him!....

15.03.2002 23:50

....Fuck Him!....
....Fuck Him!....

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15.03.2002 23:59


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