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Stop War Coalition rally - London 26/3/02

Auntie Beeb | 15.03.2002 14:33

Public Rally: "Stop Bush and Blair's War; No to attacks on Iraq"
Tuesday 26th March 2002
7:30 pm
Camden Centre
Bidborough Street, London WC1 (opposite St. Pancras Station)

The threat of a massive military attack by the USA and UK on Iraq is growing greater every day. Clearly this will have disastrous consequences not only for the people of Iraq but for the whole region. In response to this, and in order to build for the CND demonstration on Saturday 30th
March, the Stop the War Coalition has called a public rally in Central London. The details are as follows:

Public Rally: "Stop Bush and Blair's War; No to attacks on Iraq"
Tuesday 26th March 2002
7:30 pm
Camden Centre
Bidborough Street, London WC1 (opposite St. Pancras Station)

Speakers: Tony Benn, Louise Christian (civil rights lawyer), Mark Steel (writer), Bruce Kent (CND), Shaheda Vawda (Just Peace), Bob Crow (RMT General Secretary)

We have produced leaflets to publicise this extremely important meeting, which are available by contacting the office (Phone: 07951 235 915 Email:

National CND demonstration, Saturday 30th March

We urge all of our supporters to spare no effort in building for the CND demonstration on Saturday 30th March. Details are as follows:

CND Demonstration and Rally
"Don't Start Wars"
Saturday 30th March
Assemble 12 noon, Hyde Park, London

Leaflets and posters are available from the office (contact details above).

We are not going away!

Bush and Blair clearly want to continue their war for a long time to come, and consequently we are not going away until we have stopped them. Let's build the rally and the demo as big as possible!

Auntie Beeb


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more info

15.03.2002 14:43

More info on Stop the War Coalition website:

- Homepage:

link to website

15.03.2002 17:19

More details on Stop the War Coalition website:

- Homepage:

Is that ?

15.03.2002 17:56

is that a Co-alition rally to Stop the War or a rally against the Stop the War Co-alition ?

This pointless comment was brought to you by an idiot

A B Seedy