Some 100,000 workers march in Spain ahead of EU summit
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Mar | 14.03.2002 14:12
[Presenter] Thousands of people are demonstrating in the streets of Barcelona under the slogan: More Europe with Full Employment, called by the European Confederation of Unions. They are calling for full employment without the abandonment of the social model approved at the Lisbon summit. They are also protesting against the liberalization of the energy sectors and transport. Maite Bohada [phonetic] reports:
[Reporter] One hundred thousand people, according to the first estimate by the Barcelona municipal police, are currently demonstrating in the centre of the Catalan capital - a figure which is double that initially hoped for by the confederations, which said they had guaranteed participation from 50,000 workers travelling by coach. The march is therefore already being considered a success by the confederations. The favourable weather, and the festive but defiant atmosphere, are very marked on this demonstration...
During the demonstration, Jose Maria Fidalgo, the secretary-general of Workers' Commissions [CCOO], insisted on the need to reach a Europe with full but not deregulated employment in 2010:
[Fidalgo] They have the moral obligation to build a Europe on the European social model, and that is - as was said in the Lisbon strategy - to reach, in the year 2010, a Europe of full employment with rights, and not a deregulated Europe without any rights. If they take the latter path, the EU is deligitimized. They must therefore take decisions tomorrow in relation to full employment, to the social Europe...
Source: RNE Radio 1, Madrid, in Spanish 1200 gmt 14 Mar 02
/BBC Monitoring
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Mar