More hidden
dh | 12.03.2002 01:12
I'm not a paranoid person, but I'll give a link included with a story posted a day or two ago - The E-bomb - which has subsequently been hidden, though it stayed on for long enough for 'red'n'black' to post a comment and for me to reply - and now it's gone. I know there is a way to check out hidden stories - anybody got that info? - it would be interesting to find out why some stuff goes and some stays.There seems no rhyme nor reason.
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How to view hidden stories on U.K. Indymedia
12.03.2002 06:49
add the following:
and press ENTER or click GO.
This will take you to a page of hidden stories.
why are some posts hidden arbitarily
12.03.2002 11:08
Maybe because...
12.03.2002 14:18
Further Disscusion needed on this point?
12.03.2002 17:22
Sure anyone can do this using various free hosting sites and free web components, though I can't help but feel that for a site/page like this to be utilised to maximum benefit it would be useful for it to have an affiliation with an organistation such as the IMC. I think that it would also have to be monitored in a similar way to the IMC news posting system, to stop it becoming full of all the advertising and other "web trash" so often found online these days.
I would be more than willing to help work on a project like this, so if anyone else thinks this is needs looking into post here, or my email adress is above!
A great idea
12.03.2002 17:47
So your idea of setting up a discussion area on another server would be interesting - it will mean alot of work to administer - but if you are up for it then send a proposal to the contact address at the top of the site... We did once approach another siet to host this but they felt it would be too much work...
There also used to be a debate section of the site - but this faded as it took too much to update, but there has been talk resently of bringing it back - so some of those longer texts can be debated over time rather than disappearing down the page. This area also brings up issues of editorial - as how ever hard we try and be even handed people will see bias in what is selected. Now i think there are enough people working on the site for this debate area to work and be varied - and it may appear in the future redesign...
thanks for your comments
one of imcuk collective
clear for all to see
12.03.2002 20:18
1) The IMC UK Collective acts as editor on this site. Any hidden postings are visible to everyone in our 'Editorial Admin' page. Just click to read them.
which is pretty clear - the link is:
re peace demo pictures
12.03.2002 20:56
You sure?????
12.03.2002 22:32
Spike Militant
ta for your comments and help
12.03.2002 23:14
yes but...
13.03.2002 12:40
To me the idea of politics is not to be against everything - it is to undersatnd myself whart s going on around me and react - do something about it - and believe i can change things. This we are doing as a braod movement. But when you ask me to believe that a secret cabal organised the Sept 11th plane crash i have to think to myself which is more likely - Sure the CIA etc do get up to tricks all the time but there are limits to it - and i make that choce - infact many people make that choice and get on with changing the world rather than running around screaming it was all the CIA...
Now you say you are not mad, but you want the world to run round on every issue screaming "it was the CIA" - sometime it is but 90% of the time it wasn't and it is within our realm to change it - so stop living in cloud cookoo land and get away from your computer!
A laugh, a smile, a joke!
13.03.2002 17:54
THEN you try to claim that Dubya, Britney and Berlusconi are in league with the Dark Overlord. Which come to think of it, I could believe.
But frankly, it would take a heart of stone not to laugh!
Yours, with an Illuminati handshake.
Spike Militant
'hidden' pictures are multiple uploads mate.
13.03.2002 20:44
the multiple uploads are recognisable by the fact that they have all the same title.
14.03.2002 00:00
Spike Militant