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Flashpoints Radio Friday March 8, 2002

Jaguar Johnny | 11.03.2002 04:04

KPFA Flashpoints Radio Friday, March 8, 2001 - Women Warrior Weekend - International Womens Day Special (60 min) - audio link/s in full story below

Pacifica Network Flashpoints News Radio

KPFA Flashpoints Radio
SearchArchiveLinksHelpindex page, front page, homeKPFADennis Bernstein, producer Friday, Mar 8, 2002 - Start Audio for audio FAQ, click here
-00:00 womens' collage of voices.. "we hear about the struggle".. introduction w associate producer, Yun Suh.. [Noelle Hanrahan is on vacation]
-01:10 KPFA NEWS: dozens of Palestinians killed in brutal Israel assaults, Sharon trying to guarantee a world of enemies for as long as he needs to feel good about himself, women and children be damned
also see: Jewish Voices Against the Occupation

-04:40 Yun Suh: today around the world women are showered with flowers and tributes.. AUDIO LINKbegan with the textile industry workers.. Indian Dalit activist Ruth Manorama women gathered together today all over the world.. in Beruit.. in Thailand.. in the Philippines.. in India.. about the caste system.. from last year's WCAR conference.. India with help of the US, managed to remove caste from the agenda.. now with Jodi Rahj (sp?), a 'Dalit', a lower caste women.. Jodi: it may not be black and white, but it is beyond skin.. is a global problem, similar discrimination in other areas of the world.. because we are the lowest caste, all the low jobs are Indian Dalit activist Ruth Manoramaassigned to us.. 200,000 people even carry human excrement on their heads.. women expected to satisfy the sexual needs of the upper caste.. we are considered 'dirty'.. 'untouchable'.. they will never allow us to dress well, or go to school.. Dalit women are good looking, but you could never tell.. I am a college graduate.. but discrimination everywhere.. food not served together.. at the temple made to wait to last.. dogs are accepted, but not us.. our money is ok, our money is touchable.. contradictions and pure hypocrisy.. I am willing to die for this cause.. suffered atrocities for many centuries.. we believe we are closest to the earth, the greatest power on the earth..
-18:20 SF Francisco woman poet reads.. AUDIO LINK"I believe that we all stand on the shoulders of powerful women.. that we stand on their shoulders.. gratitude to my grandmother and mother.. reads a poem about her grandmother.. (audio/listen)
-25:25 music break, Feel the Earth,
-26:00 Professor Angela Davis, Professor Angela Davisthe third woman in history to be on the FBI's most wanted list.. clip from a recent talk at UC Berkeley.. AUDIO LINK Prof Davis: about our historical memory.. the NY Times article.. is it considered unpatriotic to challenge US foreign policy.. now what? a permanent military presence in Afghanistan? for what to make Afghanistan safe for big oil?.. about the notion that nothing will ever be the same.. promulgated by gov and biz.. for increased surveillance and policing.. practices of racial profiling employed on Middle Eastern looking people.. the Patriot Act passed without any discussion at all.. sinister parellels with the MacArthy Era.. Paul Robesonthe public was already AUDIO LINK: Paul Robeson prepared to fear a race of people.. the prison buildup was a dangerous rehearsal..
-34:00 Professor Davis reads an excerpt from Paul Robeson's, Here I Stand, 1958: AUDIO LINK: Daughters
-38:30 Radical women's rap poetry by Kate Olsen, 'Daughters'.

42:00 Flashpoints in Espanol,AUDIO LINK with Nancy Charaga.. Start Audio this segment / Comience la Audiofrecuencia este segmento: Nancy: here's the Manifesto from the Homeworkers Union of Argentina.. en Espanol (listen)...
-51:30 and in English (listen).. AUDIO LINK reads the Women's Manifesto (a transcript would be appreciated and published here, email to in English or Espanol.. ACTION IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR DESPAIR.. La ACCION ES EL ANTIDOTO PARA la DESESPERACION

-60:00 End today's show.. today's review by jane lionheart

Thursday, Mar 7, 2002 - Dennis Bernstein photoAUDIO OK! for audio FAQ, click here
-00:00 Dennis Bernstein: introduction: Israel attacks two schools, kills 12 Palestinians in massive attacks; report from West Bank: Ariel Sharon on a killing spree.. International Women Day protests Friday, w Women in Black.. interview w Arundhati Roy; Michael Moore talks in Berkeley.
-00:50 KPFA News
-04:50 Dennis: with Robert Knight and the Knight Report.. AUDIO LINKRobert: Iraq the next 'war on terrorism' target? Powell denies plans. Fighting continues in the Kush Mountains. US says, "We might have killed non-combatants, but.." Israel forces its way into Palestinian refugee camps, killing 12: all out war looms. Zimbobweh election looms, EU sanctions loom, poor black farmers loom, whitey looms.. In Angola, UNITA leiutenant Dimba maybe looms
-10:00 Dennis: now Huwaida Arrafw Huwaida Arraf of the International Solidarity Movement in Ramallah.. Huwaida: two Red Crescent AUDIO LINK workers killed in their ambulance.. Israel shelled a school for the blind yesterday.. today a girl's school in Tulkar'm was hit.. I don't know how the world can continue to ignore this..ARIEL SHARON IS ON A KILLING SPREE.. WHY DOESN'T THE WORLD STOP HIM?.. why are so many incidents not reported in the mainstream news?.. now w Penny Rosenwasser of Women in Black, Penny Rosenwasserand the Middle East Childrens Alliance.. Penny: ACTION ALERT: join us tomorrow in a silent vigil to end the occupation.. w Bat Shalom; at Grove and Van Ness (exit the City Center Bart) from 5-6PM and then we'll join up with the big women's march up Van Ness.. about the Isreali 'refusniks'.. these are young men who have been serving in the West Bank and Gaza.. saying the occupation is wrong.. the peace movement has woken up.. 1200 Generals issued a statement saying we have to get out of the occupation business.. It is killing us all..
-23:20 Arundhati Roymusic break
-23:28 Dennis Bernstein interview w Indian activist AUDIO LINK and novelist, Arundhati Roy, author of London Times number 1 bestseller, God of Small Things.. Adrunhati was recently found in contempt of court for protesting a dam project that would negatively affect millions in a poor region of India.. Roy: if their is one thing could change the world tomorrow is the US Media.. but they do nothing.. people have been brought up like creatures in a laboratory experiment.. when I watch it I feel such sadness.. that everything is corporate, that every dream has a price tag.. if I were a working person in mid America.. and I saw all this scapegoating on TV.. I'm going to have my beer and say 'bomb the bastards'.. if you come to India today, you'd see that the American media has become a joke, a laughing stock.. Stupid White Men book cover
-28:00 Dennis: about comedian, author Michael Moore (link2) and his new book, Stupid White Men ...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!, "headed to the shredder, now a bestseller".. book due to be published in mid September, pulled from publication by Harper Collins.. AUDIO LINK wanted Moore to change the title and rewrite the book.. he said NO and, miraculously, prevailed.. audio from Moore's jazzy address to a Berkeley audience yesterday
-57:58 End today's show.. today's review by john lionheart
Wednesday, Mar 6, 2002 - Dennis Bernstein photoStart Audio for audio FAQ, click here
-00:00 Dennis Bernstein: introduction:
-01:00 KPFA News
-04:30 Dennis: with Robert Knight and the Knight Report.. Robert: Kabul shaken by accidental explosion.. German defence minister insisted Germans only involved in humanitarian missions in Afghanistan, a lie.. AUDIO LINK1500 German troops on ships near Somalia.. British troops in Kenya.. Americans fighting in the Kush mountains.. Ceasar said Afghanistan divided into three separate parts
-08:20 Dennis: a fullpage ad in today's NY Times calls for the legalization of medical marijuana.. AUDIO LINKsigners include doctors and celebrities.. now w Bruce Merken a sponsor of the ad.. Bruce: when Bush took office we hoped for a dialogue.. about CA prop 215.. the drug czar at the time, McCafferty asked the National Academy of Sciences to investigate.. they did, and found that medical marijuana is the only alternative for some people.. now Asa Hutchinson claims no medicinal value.. time to call him on it.. over 300 elected officials signed the ad.. and newsmen including Walter Chronkite.. THE RIGHT OF A HUMAN BEING TO CHOOSE HIS/HER OWN MEDICINE IS AN ANCIENT RIGHT.. what kind of society would ask someone to forfeit their ancient god-given rights to a corrupt government?.. it's the drug war.. the bulk of drug arrests in the US are for possession of marijuana.. 3/4 million Americans arrested last year.. unbelievable, tragic that this is being perpetuated.. check out Marijuana Policy Project at to help change the Bush Administration click here
-16:00 music break, One Ton of Marijuana, Derrell Cherney
-17:00 Dennis: Enrongate Update.. finally Congress calls on banks to turn over records.. AUDIO LINKnow w Catherine Austin Fitts.. she started out as a staunch Republican.. served in the first Bush administration.. a former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).. CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: A MILLIONAIRE REPUBLICAN TURNED WHISTLEBLOWER.. Dennis: why is marijuana still illegal?.. Catherine: the criminal syndicate is free to do anything they want.. most other people can't get what they need without risking going to prison.. about Enron.. still no real investigation.. the 7 steps.. 1) assert control of all records.. 2) prevent transer of assets.. 3) ^^^ 4) never allow shredding.. 5) assert control of cash both onshore and offshore.. 6) seize the cash from insider trading.. 7) people admitting to securities violation, fire them from federal contracts, assert control over that cash.. IT HAS REACHED THE POINT OF BEING A LAUGHING MATTER.. Dennis: Ken Lay at a fundraiser for Bob Dole today.. gave money.. Catherine: that is taxpayer, shareholder money he spent buying more political influence.. regular people working overtime in America to pay for their health care.. Enron execs are criminals, we have laws permitting their money to be seized, we should do it.. Catherine: about HUD financial.. HUD is being run as a criminal enterprise.. lead contractors at HUD: Enron, DynCorp.. 1.7 billion increase to an agency that is a criminal enterprise.. astonishing.. Catherine: the reason I started to look at Enron.. 3 TRILLION DOLLARS missing at federal agencies.. official numbers.. the agencies where the money is missing are run by Enron, DynCorp, Lockheed, Harvard, JP Morgan Chase.. all related to Enron.. investors guaranteed 2500% return on investment.. Pug Winokur playing a pivotable role.. starting in 1997.. was Enron a laundromat for all the money stolen at HUD??.. about the Harvard connection.. [this is illuminating electrifying information].. buddy of Pug, money manager at Harvard made millions shorting Enron stock.. Pug financial officer on board of Enron, DynCorp, Harvard Corp.. Arthur Andersen admits to cooking the books for Enron, shredding documents.. still not fired by Pug at DynCorp or Harvard.. WHY?.. Catherine: there are a thousand recipes for cooking the books.. [many details].. seeing incredible scams at HUD.. Dennis: about DynCorp's role in the 'drug war'.. Catherine: most people who have never worked in government don't understand.. we are paying a private corporation to collect massive amounts of information about us.. DynCorp.. those databanks can and are being used in horrible ways.. about a grandmother bringing up a granddaughter in public housing.. the granddaughter caught using drugs away from home.. Pug helping throw the grandmother out of her home.. but Pug stands up in Congress and says Arthur Andersen (whom he hired and has responsibility to oversee) lied to him and that's why he lost billions of shareholder dollars, and he's not to blame.. a double standard.. put Pug on the street
-43:00 music break
-44:00 Dennis: taking listener phone calls.. Bob: has Catherine gone to Congress?AUDIO LINK Catherine: Yes, but I have not gotten any response.. 2001 saw $5,467 per Californian paid in federal taxes, 84% went to agencies without reliable financial accountability.. Houston: where can we get greater detail? Catherine: send an email to me at, and check out Jeff: what's the best case scenario? Catherine: I don't think it's hopeless at all.. If we can save it, God can fix it.. if we can understand our government is not trustworthy.. we have to take matters into our own hands.. Dean in Houston: about drug policy forum?.. Catherine: there are two types of money.. about Narco Dollars for Dummies.. if you legalized drugs tomorrow, it would have a profound influence on cash flow.. FARC asked by wall street to invest drug profits in the NY stock exchange.. Peter from SF: what can citizens do? Catherine: vote with your time and money.. switch to free press, don't spend money on media that doesn't give you the truth.. Bill from Houston: I heard that all the prosecutors in Houston have recused themselves.. Catherine: yes..
-59:30 End today's show.. today's review by john lionheart

Jaguar Johnny
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