Iwould like to let you know that we in Vancouver are in a class strugel we are tring to end homelessness there is very little housing here in Canada that working class as well the working class poor our own goverment will use poliece force to protect the will of private investers like the ioc .Vancouver has placed a bid to host the 2010 winter games please urge people to go to the canadin consoulit offices and demand that canada house its workingclass and poor people insteed of putting people out on the street buy cott canadin products and join soldarity to end wrold poverty sincerly yours Chris keats
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Brilliant work, Lads and Lassies !!
16.06.2002 21:54
Next time, try and get the Vid in bigger size and better resolution - divx is the way to go.
Good Luck!
hi from Vancouver BC Canada woodwards Squat
30.10.2002 15:11
Christopher keats