Barcelona Streets Reclaimed
George's Bush | 09.03.2002 22:11 Barcelona EU | World
The RTS action in Barcelona is now winding up, amid rumours of police brutality as numbers dwindled ( (article 1)

3,000 people participated (just 1% of the number predicted for tomorrow’s demonstration against the privatisation of water supplies), and levels of police intimidation were more extreme than usual, with Catalan police utilising the German police tactic of marching alongside demonstrators, confining them on all sides.
Batons, guns and pump-action rubber bullet rifles were kept plainly in sight, and several undercover officers have been spotted – one hid his baton in a dustbin.
Still, a carnival atmosphere prevailed after the streets were held for over five hours. Instead of property destruction, banks, billboards and McDonalds outlets were transformed into giant steel and glass canvasses, and suitably decorated with revolutionary art and slogans.
More information from indymedia Barcelona:
And the IMC-UK World site
Batons, guns and pump-action rubber bullet rifles were kept plainly in sight, and several undercover officers have been spotted – one hid his baton in a dustbin.
Still, a carnival atmosphere prevailed after the streets were held for over five hours. Instead of property destruction, banks, billboards and McDonalds outlets were transformed into giant steel and glass canvasses, and suitably decorated with revolutionary art and slogans.
More information from indymedia Barcelona:

And the IMC-UK World site

George's Bush
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