attack on bethlehem university
Gush Shalom (posted by Peter) | 09.03.2002 17:46
Bethlehem University Attacked in Latest Israeli Incursion
9 March 2002
The IDF fired a wire-guided missile at newly-inaugurated Millennium Hall at
about 9:00 last night (8 March). It punched a hole through the stone-clad
reinforced concrete wall, blasting out windows and window frames on two
floors, damaging Classrooms 302 and 402. The impact of the powerful blast
spread to other parts of the building, as well as to the nearby Institute of
Management and the Social and Cultural Center on campus. It is fortunate that
no one was near enough to be injured or killed.
This missile attack, devastating in physical and psychological implications, is
one result of unprecedented brutal aggression on the Palestinian people in
days. Statistics of casualties and damage continue to change, but at this
seven deaths and over a hundred injuries have been reported in Bethlehem alone
in the past two days. In addition, the entire city and surroundings has been
traumatized and terrorized as never before by the ominous sounds of helicopters
and drones and threats of gunship and tank attacks. Beit Jala, next to
Bethlehem, is still under curfew with over 40 huge tanks surrounding the village
preventing movement in and out of homes and on the streets. Deheisheh Camp,
which has suffered extensive human loss and damage, is also under curfew.
As a demoralized and battered people braces itself for another night of
trepidation and fear, the following questions continue to remain unanswered:
How long will illegal occupation and oppression of a people struggling for
freedom and basic human rights be allowed to continue?
When will the senseless sacrifice of innocent lives of both oppressed and
oppressor come to an end?
What can be done to mobilize the international community, whom many see as
the only potential force capable of exerting legitimate influence, to assume
greater moral responsibility in resolving the situation?
We at Bethlehem appeal to you, once again, to do whatever you can to put an
end to this escalating tragic situation. We urge you, in whatever forum you
deem effective, to:
1. Pressure Israel to withdraw its military immediately from all Palestinian
2. Push for international intervention to help the two sides return to
3. Insist that those responsible for inhumane attacks on innocent persons be
accountable and brought to justice.
4. Pray for a just peace for the Holy Land.
Brother Vincent Malham, FSC
President-Vice Chancellor
message forwarded by Gush Shalom:
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 -
Bethlehem University Attacked in Latest Israeli Incursion
9 March 2002
The IDF fired a wire-guided missile at newly-inaugurated Millennium Hall at
about 9:00 last night (8 March). It punched a hole through the stone-clad
reinforced concrete wall, blasting out windows and window frames on two
floors, damaging Classrooms 302 and 402. The impact of the powerful blast
spread to other parts of the building, as well as to the nearby Institute of
Management and the Social and Cultural Center on campus. It is fortunate that
no one was near enough to be injured or killed.
This missile attack, devastating in physical and psychological implications, is
one result of unprecedented brutal aggression on the Palestinian people in
days. Statistics of casualties and damage continue to change, but at this
seven deaths and over a hundred injuries have been reported in Bethlehem alone
in the past two days. In addition, the entire city and surroundings has been
traumatized and terrorized as never before by the ominous sounds of helicopters
and drones and threats of gunship and tank attacks. Beit Jala, next to
Bethlehem, is still under curfew with over 40 huge tanks surrounding the village
preventing movement in and out of homes and on the streets. Deheisheh Camp,
which has suffered extensive human loss and damage, is also under curfew.
As a demoralized and battered people braces itself for another night of
trepidation and fear, the following questions continue to remain unanswered:
How long will illegal occupation and oppression of a people struggling for
freedom and basic human rights be allowed to continue?
When will the senseless sacrifice of innocent lives of both oppressed and
oppressor come to an end?
What can be done to mobilize the international community, whom many see as
the only potential force capable of exerting legitimate influence, to assume
greater moral responsibility in resolving the situation?
We at Bethlehem appeal to you, once again, to do whatever you can to put an
end to this escalating tragic situation. We urge you, in whatever forum you
deem effective, to:
1. Pressure Israel to withdraw its military immediately from all Palestinian
2. Push for international intervention to help the two sides return to
3. Insist that those responsible for inhumane attacks on innocent persons be
accountable and brought to justice.
4. Pray for a just peace for the Holy Land.
Brother Vincent Malham, FSC
President-Vice Chancellor
message forwarded by Gush Shalom:
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 -

Gush Shalom (posted by Peter)