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Ministry of disasters!!!!!!!!

8den | 09.03.2002 16:40

The Ministry of Disasters led 250 people to their deaths in a desperate bid to escape the cloud of radioactive dust....

At 3:15pm today, after repeatedly stated that their was no call for alarm or panic at reports of a fire at the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant the Irish Ministry of Disaster admited that yes there was call for alarm and panic..........

Ferreting away all the mainstream political party leaders and captains of Industry to a secret underground bunker, and providing champagne and smoked salmon, the ministry then went and actived their emergerncy plan to evacuate the public....

This complex plan devised by our Minister Joe Jacobs helped insure maximum casualties and minimum fuss.

Lead by boiler suited trained emergency response staff, the crowd of 250 people swarmed through busy Dublin streets.

Klaxons blaring and sirens screaming they spread fear and confusion showing us the deadly panic that ensures post meltdown.

Bodybags were thoughtfully provided by the emergency staff, and people helfully climbed inside and died.

Gardaí staff well trained in handling these crises; looked on confused and bemused unsure how to react to the disaster unfolding, eventually closing the streets to allow the mass evaction to reach it's final destination, Dáil Eireann....

There led by our fearless leaders and obeying the well thought out Government Emergency plan everyone fell down overcome by radiation sickness and died.




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09.03.2002 20:09

What are you talking about? Is this a report of a demo, or a rant about the government, or a piece of creative fiction?



10.03.2002 22:30

In september last year in the midst of post September 11th panic, a Irish Government Minister Joe Jacobs, allegdly in charge of Disaster Relief planning was interviewed on Irish Radio.

The Interview will go down as one of the funniest political savaging ever broadcast in Ireland. The topic wasa "what is the government's plan if Sellafield experienced a meltdown, or a terrorist attack". After a few minutes a flustered Joe Jacob's pretty much revealed that there isn't a plan aside from "stick your head between your legs and kiss your arse goodbye". When we stopped laughing at government inepitutde we started panicing.

There was a demo on Saturday a satire of our government's "plan"..... A sellafield model was built, and a "scared" crowd of protesters legged it through busy city streets, wearing "Minister of Disaster" boiler suits and homemade body bags....... until we reached Dail Eireann and held a mass "die in" A joke of a plan deserves to be laughed at.....

Video footage will be available shortly



Thank you, 8den

11.03.2002 00:21

Aha. It all makes sense now. Thanks for explaining.
