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hackne nursery fightback

charlie kimber | 09.03.2002 09:50

Parents at St Johns nursery (were our child goes) are preparing to resist the council's threat to close our nursery. We have been told (by letter on Friday)to assist in "saving" £209,000 or we could be shut. We are totally opposed to privatisation or sugggesting alternative cuts. We are prepared to use all methods, right up to occupation, to fight bck. Fernbank nursery is also threatened. We want to work with everyone to make this a big issue. Charlie Kimber

charlie kimber
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best of luck

09.03.2002 15:09

best of luck in your fight



10.03.2002 16:30

my nephew attends St Johns and needs his nursery isnt it bad enough that the council has allowed it to slowly fall into a state of disrepair!
I am sure Jude the local Unison rep will offer you any support or help needed.
