northern ireland integrated education shambles
biscuits | 08.03.2002 22:47
integrated education farce,integrated education capitalist styly, as provided by right wing nut case QC Basil mcivor.
'let the poor eat shite' and 'let the rich kids feast on cake' hanging judge QC Basil mcivors motto for integrated education. is it any wonder that integrated educations flagship/shite school Lagan college is situated in the arsehole of nowhere, a paedophille haven, between numerous hazardous electrical pylons. Yes while lagan college pupils slum it in mobiles, you can bet their school governor QC Basil mcivor is driving about in his expensive suits and chauffer driven limosine, whilst begging working class parents for donations to maintain the custom to which QC Basil mcivor has been acustomed to all his futile life. Because these donations do not seem to going into the schools coffers, more like into basil mcivors pockets. With people like Basil mcivor championing its cause no wonder lagan is such a fuking dump.QC Basil mcivor who has never heard of socialism, communism, or anarchism promotes integrated education for rich protestants and catholics, whose children automatically enter the grammar streams, where they are bestowed all manner of educational privileges , whilst working class children are automatically dumped in its non grammar secondary streams and must fight each other for the crumbs at its integrated capitalist table, making do with limited educational provision and facillities. This is why CCTV patrols the corridors of lagan college which is big on discipline like a well run prison, but small in providing proper educational provision for its working class children. and just like a high security prison which spends all its budget on security, whilst spendin little or nothing on the inmates right to educational and social facilities. but we are not talking about prisoners here, we are talking about children, yet lagan college sees fit only to spend its budget on security whilst neglecting the rights of its children to an education. if there were enough educational facillities and social provision for the children of lagan college to keep them occupied and engaged in the educational process, there would be no need for CCTV. This is why despite its so called integrated ethos, Sociology is not taught at lagan college and why the minister for education Martin mcguinness was not invited to lagan college's 20th anniversary celebrations. so much for integration and tolerance. Lagan college can tolerate the RUC club, yet it cannot invite martin mcguinness to a function. whats going on here?, the influence of british empire stalwart QC Basil mcivor is whats happening up at lagan college.with its oppressive discipline, privilege and snobby prejudice these are all character traits of basil mcivor which have been superimposed onto the ethos of lagan college. thus once again working class unity is subverted by upper class snobs such as QC Basil mcivor and his ilk, who see integrated education as another opportunity to oppress the children of working class protestants and catholics and making a total sham of the meaning of integrated education, shame on these bastards.
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